(19) Smile in Text and Real Life

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Owen || Cassidy

You already know this, but I am nervous as heck for tonight

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You already know this, but I am nervous as heck for tonight.

I do already know that. Except I am still not one hundred percent sure why.

This is the first date I have been on high school.

There are two things I do not necessarily like about that sentence.

Please explain.

Firstly, you make yourself sound so old. You just graduated like two years ago. (Not very long, please don't make me seem old.) Secondly, I am pretty sure the first part isn't true either. There is no way a beautiful girl like yourself has been single for that long.

Oh, by the way, I just realized that text was more like a paragraph. Not all that sorry about it.

Please stop.

Stop what?

Complimenting me, I know you feel like you are supposed to be doing, or what ever you said in the beginning of our conversation, but it is starting to get to be too much.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I cannot stop though - more like I don't want too, however, knowing it is making you uncomfortable, I will stop.

Thank you.

You're welcome. :) ;)

Even with how much that made me laugh, please do not use winky faces again.

How come?

It's just weird and not what I think of you.

I want more on that subject.

No matter how much I try - believe me, I tried a lot - I can't see you as a joking, fun loving guy.

Sweetheart, I will prove you wrong someday.

For some reason I actually want you to.

Good. Because I will.

I will be waiting.

What about smiley faces?

Hold on what are you talking about?

Just realized we haven't discussed the smiley face I used. I want your input on it.

I think it's fine. Cute even, I actually like emoticons. I just didn't feel like the winky face was used in the right context.

That is exactly what I was looking for.


Not word for word, but something like that, yeah. Oh I forgot to say something.

What's that?

I will not be working tomorrow, so you will not see me and I will not see you. We do have to meet each other again sometime, I miss your face and your smile. Haven't seen it in forever.

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