(42) Realize Things

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Owen || Cassidy

Owen || Cassidy

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"Hello, Owen."

"Hello, Sweetheart."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. A little nervous."

"Hey, I thought you didn't like or do pleasantries?"

"I realized I was being really selfish with that. Because I know you enjoy them."

"Yeah, I'm glad you realized that. And that you continue to surprise me."

"I discovered another piece of advice again, right? Being less selfish."

"Yes, you did. But mainly doing it on your own. So, how are you, Sweetheart? I didn't ask you."

"I am really good. Also really nervous."

"Cassidy, you never have to be nervous around me. Or I guess talking to me."

"I know that. I just have never talked about this kind of stuff before."

"Speaking of that, how'd you find out what college I want to go to without asking me directly?"

"I Googled it."

"Huh, I guess I didn't really think about that."

"Yeah, but I tried to not google it. I wanted you to tell me yourself. But I could not take it anymore."

"I understand. You actually lasted longer than I thought you would."

"I don't doubt that. But why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't because that would make this whole thing a lot more real."

"What would be real?"

"The fact that I will be moving across the country. All without seeing you, again."

"That's not true."

"Please explain, because I am not about to ask you to move away with me because we haven't seen each other since high school."

"And I don't remember you. I'm so sorry about that Owen."

"It's okay, believe me. Because things won't be like they are right now. And by that I mean spending almost all day everyday talking to each other."

"Yeah. I love how things turned out."

"Me too. Hey, what did you want to talk about?"

"Just that I found out what college it was."

"That's it? You told me that yesterday. I thought you wanted to talk more about the sappy stuff."

"Okay, that's right. There's a few things."

"I'd love to hear them."

"Funny you use that verb. Because that is the first and foremost thing."

"What is?"

"I love you, Owen."

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