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"So, you work for MACUSA?" Ella remarked, her response more measured than startled. She was familiar with MACUSA, having gone through the process of getting her passport approved by their international relations office before her travels.

"You're some kind of investigator, then?" Newt added, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

The woman in front of them scoffed dismissively, tucking the paper back into the safety of her coat.

"Please tell me you took care of the No-maj."

Ella blinked. "The what?"

"The no-maj." The woman tried again. Her words carried a sense of impatience, as if she had more important things to do than explain things to clueless strangers. "You know, the non-wizard!"

Newt let out a bashful sigh, "Oh, sorry. We call them muggles,"

"You wiped his memory, right? The no-maj with the case?"

Ella turned to Newt, "Did you?"

The wizard glanced between the two women.

"I-uhm-" Was his wholly unconfident response. The American woman groaned, pouting like a frustrated child. Her lips pursed.

"That's a section 3-A, Mr. Scamander," she said, resigned and turned to Ella. "You're coming too. You're a witness. I need your statement."

With a deft motion, the American woman intertwined her arms with Ella's and ushered in Newt, propelling them away from the shadowy alley. The world dissolved into a blur as they materialized in a different locale, shedding the muted ambience of city streets.

Ella's feet found solid ground, accompanied by the wince of her suitcase colliding with her leg. New York pulsated with vitality around the young witch.

Her gaze ascended, examining the towering buildings. The surroundings spun in a dizzying dance as she grappled to absorb the spectacle. Abruptly, a firm hand clasped her arm, guiding her forward.

"Quickly, please," the American woman snapped. "I don't have all day."

Ella stumbled ahead, struggling to keep pace as she was tugged along. Amidst their progress, she absorbed the sights of the bustling city. So, this was New York? A stark departure from the quaint English village of her upbringing and a world away from the serene beaches and lush forests of her previous travels.

The American woman navigated them across the street, skillfully dodging vehicles, and pedestrians.

"I'm sorry, but I do have things to do today, actually," Newt interjected, a faint note of indignation in his voice. A shouted exclamation echoed as the trio narrowly avoided a collision with a car.

"Well," the American scoffed, "You're going to have to rearrange them."

They ascended the curb, arriving at a grand white marble building on the block's corner.

"What brings you to New York, anyway?" the woman queried.

"I came to buy a birthday present,"

Ella frowned. Crossing a sea seemed like an awful lot to do just for a birthday present. It seemed the American woman agreed as she echoed Ella's sentiment.

"Couldn't you do that in London?"

"No-" Newt was adamant, "There's only one breeder of appaloosa puffskins in the world, and he lives in New York, so, no."

The stranger halted them before a grandiose rotating gold door, striding purposefully towards the black-cloaked doorman, who appeared to double as security, given the somewhat comical cap perched on his head. Ella's scrutiny was fleeting, as her attention swiftly returned to the American woman.

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