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"It seems that people like you, Mr. Kowalski," Newt said as they walked along the streets of New York.

"Oh, I'm sure people like you too," Jacob said trying to make a kind reply.

"No, not really, I tend to annoy people." Newt shrugged it off.

"Do people like you Ella?" Jacob asked, trying to include her in the conversation.

"I can't say they do," Ella said, speaking up for the first time since they left.

"So why did you become a baker?" Ella continued, looking at Jacob then back at the ground as they walked. She was desperate to get the scene with the Obscurus out of her head.

"Well... Because I'm dying in that canning factory, everyone's dying, it just crushes the life out of ya." Jacob explained. Ella raised an eyebrow. "Do you like canned food?" He added on.

"No," Newt said shaking his head. Ella agreed with Newt.

"Yeah me either, that's why I want to make pastries. It makes people happy." He paused. "We're going this way." He directed them across the street.

"Did you get your loan?" Newt inquired. Ella peered at Jacob curiously. He scoffed.

"I ain't got no collateral." He said shrugging. "I stayed in the army too long apparently."

"You fought in a war?" Newt asked.

"Everyone has. Have you?" Jacob asked Newt.

"I work mostly with dragons, Ukrainian Iron Bellies, Eastern front," Newt responded.

"What about you Ella?" Jacob asked. Ella looked up.

"In a way I guess." She shrugged. Most of her wars were with herself. Ella stopped as something caught her eye. The shiny statue that was normally on the front of a car was gone. As she stopped the other two stopped as well.

"Newt, look." Ella pointed at the car. He followed her gaze to the car then to the ground. Ella too looked down and saw a trail of shiny coins and jewelry scattered around.

"Little bugger," Newt muttered, following the trail. He crept forward slowly, Ella right on his heels. They looked through the window of a fancy jewelry store. They were about to walk past another window when Ella saw an unusual figure sporting sparkling bracelets and necklaces. . Ella pulled on Newt's sleeve and he turned on his heel looking through the window as well. He raised an eyebrow and the Niffler caught sight of him as the jewels slipped from its small arm bounding away.

"Finestra!" Ella said and the window in front of them shattered. From behind them, Jacob gasped, horrified but the crime they so easily committed. Newt jumped in, followed by Ella while Jacob stood outside looking bewildered. Ella chased after the Niffler, knocking over many shelves and cases. As a shelf fell a shard of glass from the shelf and cut across the top of her arm. She bit her lip as a searing pain spread through her arm. 

"Vulnera Sanentur." Ella tapped her wand against her arm and the wound closed up with little to no pain. Newt spotted the mischievous creature and climbed up a ladder to grab the bugger. The ladder was put off balance and it toppled forward but hit the window with a small crack. Before Ella could repair the slowly breaking window the glass shattered and he fell forward. Ella gasped and jumped out the window brandishing her wand.

"Accio!" She yelled and the Niffler slowly and started to reel back on its own. Jewelry began pouring from the creature's front pocket as it zoomed back. Ella used a shield charm to protect herself from the oncoming jewelry. The niffler used a street lamp to turn itself around but instead, it flung itself into the window. Using a sticking charm the niffler was trapped in the window until Newt was able to pull it out.

The screech of tires made them all turn around. Ella was the only one who didn't have jewelry attached to her clothing and as she looked at Newt and Jacob she could see how they looked to the police.

"Put your hands up!" One of the officers shouted and all of the officers raised their guns.

"They went that way, Officer," Jacob said pointing to the right. Ella rolled her eyes. He was covered in jewelry, there was no use in a distraction. The niffler moved and one of the officers saw.

"What the hell is that?" He asked.

No one responded. Jacob gulped and pointed to the right again.


Ella glanced over and sure enough, a lion was walking down the street. The officers turned, stunned, and pointed their guns at the large cat. Ella took that chance and grabbed Newt and Jacob's hand and disapparated.

The apparated again by a bridge near central park. Ella immediately let go of their hands. Out of the blue, an ostrich came trotting over the bridge and they pressed against the bridge wall to stay out of the way.

A low rumble echoed around the park. There was a pause as Newt pulled a dark bundle from his case. 

"Put this on," Newt said handing Jacob a Quidditch helmet. Ella raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Why?" Jacob asked holding the helmet.

"Because your skull is susceptible to breakage under immense force," Newt explained cheekily. Ella chuckled as Jacob but on the helmet. Newt ran across the bridge, Ella and Jacob following.

As they got closer Newt pulled out a chest plate and helped Jacob put it on. The edged closer and the rumbling grew louder.

"She's in season," Newt observed. The creature had a poor hippo pressed in a corner in fear. He took a small vial out and pour some of the contents on the inside of his wrists and rubbed them together. He handed off the vial to Jacob. Ella watched as he placed his suitcase in the snow.

Ella had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing as Newt performed an intricate dance. The creature took interest and grew steadily closer. Then something fell and hit Jacob. The top of the glass popped off the vial and the scent drifted into the air. Oh no. Ella used her wand to try to mask the smell but it was too late, the creature had taken a whiff of it and looked over at them. The creature had its eyes locked on Jacob. Jacob turned and ran. Ella groaned and ran after him as the beast charged after them both. Ella's maroon coat flapped behind her as she ran. But running wasn't helping her. The cold air made her lungs sting. She stopped and disapparated. Looking around she saw that Jacob managed to climb a tree and was hanging on as the bottom of the tree expanded and soon broke off and the tree fell.

Ella made it to safety under the bridge. There was a yelp and Jacob spun onto the ice, falling soon after. Ella slowly came out from under the bridge and the creature walked onto the ice, surprisingly not breaking it. The creature slipped and slid towards Jacob who hurriedly tried to scramble away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Newt walk onto the ice. He glided gracefully towards the creature with his case opened. Ella made her way towards Jacob to help him get away. But just as she got there The creature was sucked into the case. Ella was breathing heavily. As Ella went to regain her balance she slipped and fell back. Newt turned to her and held out a hand

"Are you okay?" He asked. Ella nodded half-heartedly. He helped her up. She was grateful Newt let her use his arm to keep her upright. Newt opened his case and they all walked inside. Ella leaned against the wall and wrapped her arms around her waist. Newt was busy making something.

"Do you like tea Mr.Kowalski?" Newt asked as he poured hot water into a teapot and added a tea bag.

"Oh uh yes," Jacob responded. Ella let out a cough. She must have begun to catch a cold from the ice winter outside the case. Newt sent her a concerned look. She gave a reassuring smile. Using his wand Newt sent the teacups to Ella and Jacob. Ella took a sip of the warm liquid and sighed happily.

"I added some mint to help with your cough," Newt told Ella. Ella nodded.

"Thank you." She said taking another sip of the warm tea. Unfortunately, their tea was rudely interrupted by a knock on the top of the case. The three of them looked up in curiosity.

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Tell me what you think! - Nat

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