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[This chapter is mildly gory (it's just blood) ]

As they were led through dimly lit halls, the magic in Ella writhed dangerously within her. She felt something was off so she stopped in the middle of the hallway. The woman in charge of her stopped too but then prodded Ella's back with her wand.

"Come on, it will be over soon." The woman said sternly.

"Newt, Tina, Stay safe." And with that Ella whipped around and swiftly dragged the chains that held her hands together, across the woman's throat, knocking her to the ground. Letting her wand fall from her sleeve she disarmed the woman and undid her chains. She disapparated to were her gut told her to go.

She apparated in front of an old building. She heard something snap from inside. Slowly opening the door she walked inside and hid in the shadows.

"It was mine mama." Ella heard a child's voice ring out.

"Modesty?" A woman's voice replied. There was a whoosh of dark aura that washed over Ella as something fell to the floor with a sharp sound. Ella's magic writhed almost overflowing. Ella put a hand on her stomach as if by doing so it would act as a barrier. There was another obscure here.

"Credence?" The woman said in a hushed tone. Whoever that was must have been the obscurial. There was a roar from the obscurial and Ella burst out from her spot.

"Credence!" She yelled. There was a crunch and the woman had fallen off the banister and onto the floor with a sickening crunch. Ella winced before looking back up to see the boy had transformed back into a human again.

"You're the other Obscurus?" She asked quietly. The boy looked down at his feet shyly, not saying a word.

"I just want to talk I'm-" Credence cut her off,

"What is there to talk about. I'll " He said quietly, then another mass of dark magic rushed across the room as he transformed. Her magic snapped and with much pain, Ella's body became the obscurus. She fought to stay in control. Lunging at the other obscurus, black sparks shot off as they collided in a mass of dark magic. He was considerably larger than her but she was in control. They fought, each taking a turn to throw some sort of dark magic at each other in the hopes of winning. Finally, Credence found her weak point a shot a wave of dark magic at her. Ella yelled and the obscurus dissolved as she was tossed into a glass cabinet. Glass rained down on her head and Ella covered her face. Curling up against what was left of the cabinet she whimpered as many new wounds started to seep black blood.

After realizing what he had done Credence transformed back and backed away from the scene in utter terror. He looked around noticing that modesty had disappeared. He found himself shrinking against the wall opposite of the woman he had just severely wounded. She was like him, why didn't he just listen? He scolded himself. Burrowing his head in his hands, one hand clutched the necklace Graves had given him. A couple minutes had passed as well as some feeble whimpers from the wounded Ella. Swoosh! Graves apparated into the destroyed house. His footsteps echoed off the walls. He located Credence huddled against the wall. Dropping down he embraced the shaken boy.

"The obscurial She was here?" Graves asked in a low voice completely unaware he was crouching right next to it.

"Help me..." The boy whimpered. Before graves could make another move. Ella let out a quiet whimper.

"Who else is here?" Graves asked. Credence shook his head. Graves stood up and slowly walked towards the source of the noise. He saw a figure curled on the floor, crouching down he noticed it was the girl from the interrogation room. The other obscurus. She let out a low groan as she tried to move.

"Ella, Ella, Ella." He tisked, moving a strand if hair away from her bloodied face. She looked up at the man and opened her mouth to talk but pain overcame her.

"Shhh..." Graves said slipping a hand under head and lifting it up to look at him. She shook with fear and coldness. She was physically too tired to fight back. He moved his thumb across her cheek, the gash that was there closed up and vanished.

"I'm so glad to finally have found you." Graves said looking at the wounded girl with admiration.

"C-Catch me if you can." She said quietly. Graves frowned.

"Ella...." He warned but Ella used any remaining strength she had to disapparate to where her magic told her Newt was.

She was dropped in the middle of chaos. Ella leaned against a pillar to take a breath. She looked back around and caught a glimpse of newt.

"Newt!" She yelled hoarsely, hoping to get his attention. He turned and hurriedly looked around trying to find the person who called his name. But Tina had grabbed his arm and they disapparated. Ella groaned and hid under a wooden table. She dabbed at her lip and pulled her sleeve away to see that dots of red blood where splotched on it. Pulling out her wand she shakily was able to close up some of the smaller wounds. The bigger ones would have to wait until she could get proper care. There were yells and screams as people ran from whoever caused the mass chaos. Ella stayed hidden.

After a stressful period of time, the bar became silent. Ella looked out to see piles of rubble as well as bodies scattered across the floor. She very slowly creaked out from the cover of her table. She held her breath and kept her wand close to her.

"Ella...." A quiet voice called out. Ella whipped around and pointed her wand at the person. It was Graves again. He had his wand up in surrender. She kept her wand in her hand and held her defensive stance.

"I only want to talk Ella I know you're scared." Graves said tucking his wand away. Her wand trembled slightly as she tried to stabilize herself. A wave of dizziness hit her and she stumbled back leaning against the table behind her. Her wand fell from her right hand and she caught herself with her other.

Graves stepped forward but Ella scrambled back like a frightened creature.

"Easy..." He said in a quiet voice so he wouldn't scare her off again. He needed her on his side.

"D-Don't come closer," Ella warned her voice cracking. Graves stopped.

"I can help you, Ella." Graves tried to trick her.

"No one can help me. Only I can help myself. I'm the only one who can control me." Ella cried. Graves shook his head.

"You don't have to be alone in this." He said persuasively.

"Yes, I do. I always have been and always will be." Ella said reaching down and picking her wand off the dirty floor.

"I'll see you later Mr. Graves," Ella said tucking her wand away.

"Ella no!" Graves called as Ella slipped away from him once again. He growled and swung his wand, a table smashing into the shelves full of drinks that shattered with impact.

Ella reappeared in front of a Macy's department store. She staggered a couple of steps.

"Newt?" She called. Something told her that he was here. She tried to take another step forward.

Newt looked up from inside of the store. He recognized that voice from anywhere. Ella, But she sounded weak and in pain.

"Ella?" He called back. Tina sent him a confused glance from beside her. Ella from outside heard him.

"Newt I'm outside!" She managed to say painfully. The cuts on her face stretched when she talked. There was a rush of footsteps and Newt ran out from the store and spotted Ella standing near the middle of the road. Ella's knees gave out from under her and she fell to the ground. To weak to support herself. That spurred Newt to get there faster. He skidded to a stop in front of her and crouched down next to Ella. He gasped as he saw all the cuts and bruises.

"What happened to you?" He asked as she groaned and her eyelids started to close.

"Ella stay with me!" He said panicked and he struggled to stop the bleeding of her multiple wounds

Ella's vision darkened and she fell into the arms of blackness.

Thanks for reading! What do you think? - Nat

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