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Everyone turned to look at her. 

The area was silent except for the whirr of magic from Credence.

"Credence I know you're scared and In pain," Ella told the Obscurial. "You know I have and still do feel it. When we fought a couple hours ago, that was my first time transforming in three years!" Ella said with a pained expression.

"I learned to control it to follow my bidding for most of the time so would get myself in trouble or hurt anyone." She said quietly. Graves scowled. He knew Credence would fall for her what somber story she would tell. But he knew the truth. The dark truth.

"She killed her sister credence because she couldn't control the obscurus." Graves called put. Ella whipped around with a deadly look.

"You know nothing about that!" She hissed venomously. Graves opened his mouth to respond, but Ella had already started talking.

"Credence, my sister's death was an accident. I didn't know how to control my magic and now I do, so let me help you!" Ella said her voice calm once again.

There was a crunch of gravel and Ella swiveled around to find the president standing on the tracks with a group of Aurors. They all had their wands raised.

"Don't shoot!" Graves yelled. But streams of magic blasted from their wands and hit the raging Obscurus. Ella's heart broke as she watched as the Obscurus dissolve. Her lip trembled as she tried to keep back her emotions. She held out her shaking hand and a piece of the Obscurus landed on her plan before dissolving. Clenching her fist she lowered her hand and turned to the president.

"L-Look what you've done," Ella said deathly calm. A tear slipped from her eye and fell down her pale cheek. She shook slightly with rage.

"I could have helped him." She continued. She gave a deathly glare at Graves as well.

"Give us a reason not to get rid of you too." The president said her wand still raised at Ella.

"I'm not Credence." She said slowly making sure they heard every word. The president lowered her wand the rest of them doing the same.

"Really?!" Graves shouted. "She's a monster for Merlin's sake!" He whipped out his wand but Ella's Obscurus had won and it spread from her.

She let out a pained cry as she hurled through Graves, knocking him over and crashing through the cement roof and into the city. Blindly, she crashed into buildings and cars. Muggles screamed and ran as she crashed through the night. But that just worked her up more. Eventually, Ella started gaining control again as she started to steady herself and her magic. Once she was in full control she made the Obscurus disintegrate from around her. 

She stumbled to a large brick wall and slumped against it. Looking around she tried to identify where she was. Looking up she saw a large sign hanging above to her. 'Central Park Zoo' was written in large red letters. The park was mostly deserted except for the few people that walked around. Reaching back she pulled her wand out from behind her and pointed it to the sky sending off red sparks. They would have looked like fireworks to a muggle. Ella dropped her hand and placed her head in her hands and quietly cried.

She missed her sister more than anything. She didn't mean to kill her. She had gotten home from having a fight at her school and her and her sister had gotten into an argument and Ella wasn't able to control the Obscurus and it lashed out and Ella's sister had fallen down a flight of stairs and died from the collision. Ella's hair hung in front of her face as she wept into her hands. She felt like a child again. There was a whoosh as some apparated nearby.

"Ella?" The person asked with a gentle voice. Ella didn't look up. The person crouched in front of her. She could feel their body warmth radiating off them. Ella looked and blinked through the tears.

Newt was crouched in front of her with a concerned look on his face. Moving his hand up he pushed away some of the stray hairs that had fallen into her face.

"Hello..." He said quietly, to make sure he didn't startle the girl. Ella took a shaky breath and wiped away her tears, her hand slid a little on her wet cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." She sobbed, a new set of tears made its way down her cheeks. Newt felt his heartbreak. She had gone through so much and she was trying so hard to stay strong. He slowly helped the girl to her feet then moved and wrapped her in a hug. Ella wrapped her arms around his waist and cried into his shoulder. Newt stroked her hair in a calming way. He wanted her to know she was safe with him.

Eventually, Ella's sobs became hiccups. She didn't realize how truly tired she was until that point. She closed her eyes and leaned into Newt's shoulder.

"You're safe with me and you always will be," Newt told the girl quietly. She nodded, grateful to know that someone accepted her. She pulled back and looked at the ground. Newt looked up and let out a low whistle. Minutes later Ella heard the sound of large wings and she looked up and saw Frank the Thunderbird walking towards newt, his wings folding against his sides. Newt pulled out a vial of Blue liquid. Tossing it to the bird, Frank caught it.

"You know what to do." Newt said stroking the bird for the last time. The bird screeched and took off, launching into the night. He turned back to Ella.

"Let's go find Tina and Jacob." Newt took her hand and they disapparated. 

I know this was a shorter chapter. What did you guys think? The book is almost done...- Nat

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