Chapter 4: Your New Home

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Y/N flopped facedown on the bed in her new room, sighing heavily through her nose.

"I hate this," she grumbled, voice muffled by the pillow.

Soos, still riding the footstool like a prized racehorse, had showed Y/N down several flights of stairs to the room that was to be hers.  It was entirely made of black stone, like the rest of the pyramid, but the woven tapestries plastered across three walls and the round rug on the floor made it feel a bit more welcoming.  A bed, desk and bureau sparsely furnished the room.  One of the walls was slanted, creating the unsettling feeling that the ceiling was about to cave in at any second.

That being said, Y/N still didn't want to be here.  She sighed again.

"It'll be all right," a feminine voice came from right next to her.

Y/N shrieked and fell off the bed, hitting her head on the one slanted wall in the room.  "Who's there?" she shouted, leaping to her feet and striking a karate pose.

"Chill, man. I'm right here," the bureau said.

Another piece of talking furniture?  What is with this freaky place?  Y/N scrutinized the bureau with narrowed eyes.  Upon closer inspection, she could see the face above the doors.  The decorative design at the top was painted red in an imitation of hair.

"Who are you?" she asked suspiciously.

"My name's Wendy.  It's a pleasure to meet you," she said cheerfully.

"I wish I could say likewise," Y/N said flatly.

"Aww, c'mon, don't be like that.  It's not so bad here.  You'll get used to it," Wendy reassured her.

"I don't want to get used to it!" Y/N whined, collapsing on her bed again.  "I want to go home!"

Wendy's voice grew sharp.  "Well, you can't.  Like it or not, you'll be here for the forseeable future, so suck it up and get used to it."

Y/N fixed the wardrobe with a fierce glare.  "Don't tell me what to do."

"That's the way it is here," Wendy argued back.  "Lord Cipher is in charge, and if you value your sanity, you'll get with the program whether you like it or not."

Y/N glared at her for another long moment, then sighed.  "Fine.  What am I supposed to do, then?"

Wendy looked visibly relieved.  "Well, I don't know what he wants with a human like you, but you won't want for anything as long as you're here.  We've got plenty to occupy your time, and there's plenty of food and all those... human things."

"Yes, but what am I supposed to do?" Y/N repeated.

"Why don't we start with a change of clothes?" Wendy suggested, swinging open her wardrobe doors.

"Ack!" Y/N shielded her eyes.  "Are you flashing me?"

"No, man, I'm a wardrobe!"  Wendy rolled her wooden eyes.  "That's sort of my purpose."

"Oh."  Y/N approached her hesitantly.  "So are the clothes in here like... your organs or something?  Am I going to kill you if I wear the wrong thing?"

"That's gross.  And no," Wendy replied.  "Just wear whatever you want."

"Then where are your organs?" Y/N asked.  "While I'm on the subject, how exactly did you all end up like this?"

Wendy smirked.  "Magic, of course, is the answer to both of those questions."

"Magic, huh..." Y/N reluctantly shuffled through the available choices.  "Wait, why are these all my size?"

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