Chapter 12: Impending Doom

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Bill watched impassively through the tiny window of Y/N's necklace as Ivan, Dipper, and Mabel prepared for their assault on his home.  Currently, Dipper was sitting impatiently with an oversized metal helmet strapped to his head.  The complex machine was encrypting his thoughts as a measure of protection against Bill.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" a voice came from behind him.

Bill didn't turn around.  "Wow, you actually left your room.  Did you finally get sick of your whiny brothers?"

"Don't change the subject, Bill," Eins demanded.

"Mind your own business, Eins."

Eins stormed into his field of vision, raising a finger threateningly.  "Bill, those men are going to march in here and kill you.  Why are you just standing here?  Aren't you going to do something?"

"They can't kill me," Bill said dismissively.  "I'm immortal, and besides, it's not like a bunch of dumb humans can just waltz into the Mindscape as they please."

"I'm sure they'll find a way.  You may be ageless, but that doesn't mean you can't be killed," Eins warned.  

"Do I look like I care?" Bill said flatly.

"Damn it, Bill!" Eins shouted.  "It wasn't supposed to end this way!"

"Why not?" Bill asked.  "It seems appropriate to me."

Eins growled in frustration, turning away from Bill and running a hand through his hair.  "Why'd you have to let Y/N go?  She could have been your way out of this mess."

"Who says I deserve a way out of this mess?" Bill scoffed.  "Besides, the curse would only break if she loves me back, which we both know will never happen."

"Loves you back?" Eins asked.  "I thought you just wanted to use her to take over the world?"

"I... might have been exaggerating about those plans."

"I knew it."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Bill sighed.  "It looks like my time is finally up."

"It's not too late," Eins implored.  "You can still fix this."

Bill closed his eye.  "No," he said slowly.  "I can't."


"Holy crap, this is depressing."

"You asked for a story, and this is how I tell them."

"Is it a-at least going to have a happy ending?"

"You'll have to wait and see."


"Ouch!" Y/N protested as she was manhandled into a dank cellar by three hooded figures.  With her hands tied behind her back, she had no way of catching herself as she stumbled down the stairs, sprawling on the floor with an undignified half somersault.  Stanford tried to come to her aid, but their captors forced them apart.

Hands grabbed Y/N's arms from behind, yanking her to her feet.  She tried to assess her surroundings, but saw nothing but a nondescript basement.

"What are you going to do with us?" Stanford demanded.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you," one said in a female voice.  "We're just going to make sure you won't be causing any trouble for us again... or anyone else, for that matter."

From the oversized sleeve of her robe, the woman pulled out a strange-looking gun with a lightbulb attached.

"You first.  Hold her still," she said to the man behind Y/N before pointing the gun squarely at her chest.

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