Chapter 5: Yellow Nightmares

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(A/N: Check out my awesome new cover, courtesy of my wonderful friend Sakurano_Toon!!  *points fingers with goofy grin* Give her a round of applause, because HOLY CRAP LOOK AT THAT COVER!!!! <3)

"Hey, why'd you stop?"

"Will's asleep."

"Hey, Blue, wake up already!"

"Wh-what?  What's happening?"

"Bill!  He was supposed to fall asleep!"

"Yeah, but I'm not asleep, and I want you to continue."

"You're defeating the purpose of the bedtime story."

"Are you going to keep going or what?"

"You're the most selfish person on the planet."

"Less complaining, more story."



Y/N glared at Wendy with a baleful expression as time ticked slowly by.

"You have to fall asleep sometime," Wendy pointed out.

Y/N stubbornly shook her head.  "Nope.  Never.  I'm staying awake for the rest of my life."

"That's not possible."

"Don't try to use logic against me, it won't work."

It had already been a day and a half.  Y/N had refused to return to the dining room, or the "place of nightmares" as she called it, so Soos had kindly delivered food to her room on a thankfully non-sentient napkin.

"What is up with this place?" she'd grumbled at one point.  "Is my bed sentient too?  Are the rugs aware I'm walking on them?  Does each stone in the wall have its own consciousness?"

Wendy had rolled her wooden eyes.  "If it's not talking to you, it's a safe bet it's not alive," she'd responded curtly.

Now Y/N nursed a cup of coffee, still trying her very best to keep from falling asleep.  After thirty-six monotonous hours, her eyelids were beginning to lose their battle with gravity.  The coffee mug slipped from her fingers as she slumped onto her pillow, thinking I'll just rest my eyes for a moment, but I'm not falling asleep... I won't ever fall asleep...

"Hello there, kitten!"

Her eyes snapped open.  The room had been drained of color.  Even Wendy was frozen in grayscale.  The only spots of color were Y/N herself and the ominous triangle at the foot of her bed.

"Hello, Bill," Y/N said through clenched teeth as she sat up.

"Hello, lovely," Bill replied.  If he'd had a mouth, she knew he would have been grinning.

"You can drop that," she snapped.  "I know you didn't take me hostage just because you think I'm hot."

"Hostage?"  His cackling sounded like the bleating of a demonic goat.  "That's the funniest joke I've heard since Louis XVI was beheaded!"

"Since... what?  And if I'm not a hostage, then why-"

"Do I want you as my permanent guest?" he interrupted.  "Would you believe it's because I'm lonely?"


He cackled again.  His voice was already beginning to give Y/N a headache.  "Good job, kid!  You're smarter than you look!"

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