Chapter 8: Mindscape Limbo

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(Alternate title: Mental Macarena)

"I spy with my single eye, something yellow!"

"Bill, you've tried the same stupid game ten times now, and it's always you."

"Aww, what gave it away?"

"You're literally the only yellow thing here."

"Cheater," he muttered, vanishing to sulk somewhere.

Y/N tried to relax on her floor, wanting to maximize the brief time without Bill's obnoxious company.  She glanced at her bed with a slight frown, where her own comatose body lay silently.

It had been nearly a week since her disastrous escape attempt, and her body had received the best medical attention that a magic pyramid full of living furniture could provide.  Fortunately, her spine hadn't been broken after all, and a full recovery was predicted.  Unfortunately, she had to remain in the Mindscape until her body healed sufficiently.  Which meant Bill was free to annoy her constantly.

"Hey, kid, wanna play a different game?"

"Leave me alone."

"Aww, cheer up!  Here, I'll sing you a lullaby."

"Please don't."

"I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves!  I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes!"

"Stop it."

"I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves-"

"Bill, for the love of all that is holy, please SHUT UP!"

As infuriating as Bill's company was, it was preferable to the nightmares.  For some reason, he had allowed her to sleep peacefully while her body recovered.

Well, somewhat peacefully at least.




Another week passed in slow motion.  The monochrome world of the Mindscape was deadly dull, and lonely without anyone's presence except Bill's.  Every day they'd repeat the same conversation:

"Can I wake up yet?"

"Sure, if you want to spend the next few weeks screaming in agony."

"That might be preferable to remaining here with you."

"Alright, if you really want to wake up, just say the word."  His mouthless face would somehow smirk as he called her bluff.  She'd sigh and give up, resigning herself to another day of endless gray.  She'd nearly forgotten what any color looked like except yellow.

"Hey, what's wrong with yellow?" Bill asked, offended.

"Stop reading my mind," she grumbled.

"I'm bored," he whined.  "You don't do anything.  You're in the Mindscape, remember?  You could go literally anywhere, but all you do is sit next to your body all day!"

"Nobody said you had to keep me company," she retorted.  "You could go do whatever it is you usually do when I'm awake and give me a moment's peace for once."

"Pfft," he shrugged off the suggestion, "do you think it's any less boring here for me?  If you think being stuck in the Mindscape for a week is dreary, try being alone here for eternity!"


"What what?"

Y/N sat up, eyeing Bill skeptically.  "If I didn't know better, I might almost think you just confessed to being lonely."

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