PSA: New Books!

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Guess who published TWO new books today??? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S ME!!!!

I've begun the Cinderella (Will x Reader) that everyone was going on about, and also began my secret project: A choose-your-own-adventure multi-fandom crossover extravaganza!

It's a bit of an experiment and will require a LOT of reader input, so thanks in advance for playing along!

I hope to update them both regularly, since Heaven and Hell will by necessity have slower updates to give everyone time to make their decisions. :3

I'd also like to keep writing people's requests in my other book, of which I currently have two, and I haven't forgotten you! I'll get to your requests ASAP, as always.

I'll also post this same message in Rain or Shine, so everyone has a chance to see it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Love you all, Cunzyfans!


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