Chapter 6: Sleepless

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(A/N: It's time for yet another shout-out to CandyMoon6583 for writing a(nother) book featuring MY book, which made me laugh until I cried.  We've crossed over so often that we basically share a universe by this point. :D I think her new book has a lot of potential, since it's promising to contain crossovers and mergers of all kinds(and possibly a contribution from moi), and I'm hoping to see some of my favorite fandoms make an appearance!  Keep up the awesome work, Bailey! <3)

Mabel Juice:  "It's like coffee and nightmares had a baby!" -Grunkle Stan

Day 1: Twitchy

Y/N was pacing down a hallway, counting her steps as she went.  She reached the corner.  Seventy-nine.  She turned around and walked back the way she had come.  Sixty-five?  She retraced her steps yet again, trying to make each pace as even as possible.  Ninety.  Okay, this building is seriously messing with me.

No matter how much time Y/N spent exploring her new home, it was difficult to get her bearings. Even though each tier of the Fearamid was smaller than the previous one, the dimensions of the building and the placement of the rooms kept subtly shifting.

Y/N decided to give up counting steps before she drove herself insane and wandered towards the kitchen, intending to fix herself another cup of coffee.  So far, she had slept as little as possible.  Under Bill's thumb though she may be, she was determined not to make it easy for him. 

She stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway.  It was difficult to tell, but the door she had just walked past appeared to be one she had never seen before.  Curiosity warred with caution as she took in the simple, rough door frame, so out of place among the gothic décor.

Curiosity defeated common sense as Y/N reached slowly for the door handle...

Only for her vision to turn black-and-white with a loud *pop.*

"I don't remember giving you the go-ahead to snoop in my private rooms, kitten!" Bill warned, having appeared suddenly between Y/N and the door.  She snatched her hand back, remembering Bill's earlier threat and not eager to have her flesh melted off. 

"I don't remember you telling me anywhere was off-limits," Y/N shot back.

"That's why I'm giving you one warning instead of simply obliterating you."  Bill's eye glowed blue as his stick hands burst into flames.  "Don't presume I'll be so nice if you try it again."

"You're so thoughtful," Y/N growled.  Then a thought occurred to her.  "Wait, if you can pull me into the Mindscape like this at any time, then why do you always wait until I fall asleep?"

Bill's insane cackling was so loud Y/N had to resist the urge to cover her ears.  "Because it's hilarious to watch you wear yourself out trying to stay awake for days on end!"  He wiped away an imaginary tear from his eye.  "As if that would do you any good!"

Before the echo of his laughter had finished reverberating through the hallway, Bill had vanished.  Y/N, once more in the world of color, scanned the blank stone wall with surprise.  Bill had taken the mysterious door with him.

Day 2: Haunted

"What is it this time?"  Y/N's voice didn't reach her own ears over the deafening sounds of warfare and carnage.  Not eager to open her eyes but more apprehensive of the unknown, Y/N looked up just in time to dive out of the way of one of Stanford's war machines, which missed her by inches.  The spikes on the sides brushed against her as it passed.

Unable to regain her balance after the reckless leap, Y/N crashed to the ground, curling immediately into a protective ball and feeling the bite of road rash in half a dozen places.

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