Chapter 7: Leap of Faith

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"May I interrupt?"

"Do you have a problem with the way I'm telling my story, Bill?"

"It's just that I feel like I'm being mischaracterized."

"No, you're Mister Characterized."

"I hate you."

"I love you too.  May I continue?"



"Ouch!" Y/N cursed as she stabbed herself with the needle for the third time.  Her vision was blurry from exhaustion, but she kept herself awake through sheer force of will.

I can't fall asleep now. He'll find out what I'm doing. He may already know, but I have to try. I can't stay here for one more day.

"I've been a wardrobe for hundreds of years, so correct me if I'm wrong," Wendy remarked, "but aren't girls like you supposed to be good at dainty things like sewing?"

"I'm hardly dainty," Y/N growled.  "I was too busy learning mechanical engineering and kickboxing to bother with boring girly stuff like sewing."

It was true that Y/N didn't fit the classic "Disney princess" stereotype.  Most people found her abrasive personality off-putting, her singing voice sounded like a bullfrog, and the last time a posse of adorable woodland creatures had showed up to help her clean the house, she'd gone for her crossbow.

"I... see," Wendy said slowly.  "Follow-up question: why are you sewing your sheets together?"

"I've got to get out of here, Wendy.  I'm going insane."  Y/N stabbed herself with the needle again, drops of blood beginning to dot the sheet as she sewed, but she ignored the sting and persevered.

"You do realize the Fearamid is a thousand feet in the air, don't you?" Wendy asked with concern.  "There's literally no way to the ground."

"That's quitter talk."  Y/N examined her handiwork, deciding it was passable.  Folding the sheets carefully, she set to work on the second phase of her desperate plan.  She'd already looted the kitchens and storage areas, dismantling every appliance that didn't scream at her to get her hands off it.  

"What are you doing with the pile of parts?" Wendy asked curiously as Y/N picked up a coil of rope and a sconce she'd pried off the wall.

"Stop distracting me please, it's difficult enough to focus right now."  Y/N gritted her teeth, tying the rope to the metal bracket with shaking hands.  "If I screw this up, I'll probably die."

I might die anyway, she thought grimly.  But I don't have a choice.  I don't have any choices anymore.

Y/N threaded the rope through a pulley she'd affixed to the outer skeleton of a washboard, tying the other end to a hanger she'd taken from Wendy's drawers.  It didn't have a propulsion system, but it would serve as a rudimentary grappling hook.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Wendy warned.

"I hope so too," Y/N muttered as she tied the bundle of sheets around herself as securely as she could manage.   "Wish me luck, Wendy."

"Be careful, Y/N," was all Wendy said as Y/N closed the door on her.

Y/N faced the triangular window on the slanted outer wall of the Fearamid.  It stared back at her, the glass image of Bill's eye glinting in the sunlight.

"I know you can see me, but it's too late now," she said aloud, examining the window.  "Now, how do I get this open?"

A clattering noise behind her made her whirl in alarm, clutching her grappling hook protectively, but it was just Soos astride Waddles, charging towards her.

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