Chapter 1

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Just because all the continents smashed together twenty-nine years ago, does not mean that it's not difficult to find a single being that matches the description: a man with a voice.

I walk around with a recycled bottle that is filled with water and search for someone that at least fits the description of a man. I pass many on-goers on the streets of a town in New York before giving up on the suburban area. Most of the guys there were old, bearded dads, or just rednecks with no general description but having a sunburn.

A few hours past, and I finally find an old man propped against the wall of a pastry shop. He is softly singing an unfamiliar tune as he strokes the strings of a guitar. I strut up to him and he pauses, while giving me a questioning look.

"May I take a picture of you?" I motion with my camera and he nods. He returns to singing and I set up my camera to capture him perfectly. In about thirty minutes, I finish taking a sufficient amount of shots (122 or so) and I begin walking further down the street to see if I can find someone else. It wasn't like the old gentlemen wasn't enough. I just needed more content, just in case.

I adjust my camera as I walk briskly. Accidentally, I run into something and my camera is knocked out of my hands. I look up and I see a colored piece of cardboard with deli options plastered to it. I look up even further and squint just enough to see a guy yelling out deli options. I cannot get a good look at him to see who he is exactly, but for now, I'm stuck in a trance.

Suddenly, I hear a heartbreaking sound and smell the scent of burnt rubber. I glance to my right and my heart stopped. My camera!

I don't give the guy another glance before I dive into the road in an attempt to save what is left of my camera. I hear a few more screeching noises and a humongous force holding me back. I look behind me and see the deli yelling guy holding the back of my shirt. I stare at him and he meets my eyes. With a cry, I fall onto the recycled-material concrete of the sidewalk.

I feel the heartbeat in my chest getting faster and louder to the point where I begin to hyperventilate. I grip my chest and stare long and hard at the concrete as my eyes tear up. This cannot be happening right now!

I hear a masculine voice and I try to decipher what he is saying. I feel the pressure of a hand on each side of my hips. I then feel a paper back in my hands. I lift it to my mouth and get this sandwich aroma. I hear a faint chant in the background, but I pay nothing to it as I breathe in and out. I hear a masculine voice again, and I feel myself becoming airborne at the same time.

In what seems like hours, my senses return- except for common sense- I never really had that. For some odd reason, my eyelids are shut. I open them and see that I'm staring up at a faint blue ceiling. There's a fan, but it is not in motion. I feel myself beginning to panic when I realize that these are extremely unfamiliar surroundings. I sit up and instantly, I am greeted with my boss. I look around and notice that I am in a baby blue toned bedroom and on a bed- a yellow one. 

My eyes meet Derek's and I ask, "what happened?"

"Well, do you want to know the good news or the bad news first?" He said slowly as he crawled into bed next to me.

"Good news first." I sigh and rub my temples. I might as well feel a little better for a bit before I become distraught. I make myself comfortable and prepare myself for an entertaining- I mean boring- story.

He clears his throat, "the good news is, you found your pre-determined soulmate."

"Is that all?" I demand, "tell me that is not all there is!"

"The bad news is, he is a deli sandwich guy."

"What about my camera? Is it alright? What about the memory card?" I question, "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY LIFE?"

"Oh yeah, it's destroyed," he says bluntly.

I slap my head into the headboard and groan, "you must be kidding me."

"As your friend, honestly no. As your boss, I wish so."

"So I ran into some guy holding a cardboard thingy, my camera flew into the  road and shattered, I went to dive for it, the guy holds me back and drops me onto the pavement, and then I start having a panic attack," I sum it up and then point a finger at him, "how do you tie into all of this?"

"Oh your soul mate called me-"

"Do not call him that."

"Fine," he rolls his eyes and corrects himself, "the dark-haired deli guy called me because I am on your speed dial. He told me his name was Ron Benari-Cooperton. I introduced myself as Derek Johnson because that's the polite thing to do. He told me that this girl- meaning you -is having a panic attack outside of your deli shop. I inform him on what to do as I make my way over there to you. He quickly hands me to you and stomps into his deli shop as I whisk you to safety."

"My hero!" I sarcastically yell.

Derek glares at me and pushes me off of the bed whilst saying, "you suck."

"Haha, I know you do," I smirk as I wiggle my eyebrows. Now it is his turn to roll his eyes at me.

"You and I both know I have a fiancée and that I do not condone you implying that I am homosexual. I am not gay!" He argues.

"Whatever you say," I hum and climb back into his bed.

He glowers once more and then taunts, "at least she isn't a deli guy."

A/N: HEYO! Welcome back- thank you for reading to this point! I hope this chapter was as amusing as I found it as I wrote it! Furthermore, I have to inform you that I do not have an updating schedule. I try to write these chapters as I have free time and when I have the sparkly idea of imagination. Anyways, please tap that vote button! I would greatly appreciate it if you do so! As I've said previously, I do not mind silent readers, so if you are silent- it's all chill here! -Kayla

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