Chapter 11

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"Mae," I heard my name being softly whispered. I open my eyes and felt a wrath of disappointment when I realize that it was only my mom. Then, panic hits me. Am I naked??

I lift up the blankets and discover my hospital gown on. Relief floods me and I relax. I look at my mom, as she stares at me with an odd look. I roll my eyes and sit up in my bed. Suddenly, a sharp pain arises in my lower abdomen. I wince. 

"Honey, are you okay? I woke you up because I have news about Derek," she doesn't seem to notice my uncomfortable emotions as she sits on the bed. I just nod for I couldn't find the words to say that I lost my virginity right next to her as she slept. I fumble with the hospital blanket as I wait for her to spill the news. 

"So, Derek is recovering from all those hours of surgery. He is finally stable. I was able to visit him, and he was asleep. I think you can visit him, but only if you are up for it. I don't want you to push yourself. Okay? Just tell me what you need." 

I found myself unable to control my excitement as I squeal, "I need to see him!"

"Okay, wow," my mom backs away. Clearly, my excitement is a little bit too much for her to handle right now. 

In twenty minutes, I am sitting on Derek's hospital bed. He is stirring awake. I watch as he succumbs to his surroundings. His dark hair is matted and there are black circles around his eyes. He looks so weak and frail as if he might break under my touch. Finally, his roaming eyes settle on me. He checks me out and then says in a hoarse voice, "hey."

"Hey," I softly smile and I place my hand on his. His hand is cold, which unsettles me. I massage his hand with my thumb. We are both silent for a moment and completely lost for words. Eventually, I explain what happened and I profusely apologize. He reassures me that it wasn't my fault, and we hug. I still feel guilty about what happened.  

I lay right beside him, and I listen to him as he breathes. 

Finally, he says, "so...was my fiancée here at all? I feel kind of bad, she was supposed to be shopping for her wedding dress today. I got lucky with her, you know? She is the most beautiful, funniest, and smartest woman I know. Aside from you, of course."

"Not that I know of, she probably thinks you are still held up at the office." I answer, and then I think for a moment. It is really odd that she isn't here. Even though, I've never met her, I would have thought that she would be worrying her heart out. Last I heard, their relationship is doing great. 

He doesn't reply for a few moments, but then he asks, "so you are seriously going to marry him?"

"Derek," I let out an exasperated sigh and then I continue, "I don't have a choice. You nearly died, and what if happens if I don't? My mom might get killed! Besides, I am falling for him. And I am not saying that all because of him causing me to orgasm quite a few times last night."

"Wait. wait. wait," Derek's eyes widen, "You had sex with him last night?! In. The. Hospital. Room. Why didn't you tell me this first? Wow, Ms. Blondie over here is getting busy." 

I am taken aback by his reaction, and so I take a minute to gather my thoughts. There's no easy way to share about what happened. I would have thought that explaining to Derek about the government crises, but nope, my sex life is a lot harder to explain. 

Derek listens intently as I tell him all the details. And when I say all of the details, I mean, all of the details. 

Afterward, his jaw is left dropped and he says not a word. I nudge his shoulder, but he doesn't move a muscle. He is as still as a statue. I roll my eyes. 

"Will you be my maid of honor?" I nudge him again. This question brings him back, and he eagerly nods. I chuckle. He winces. I mistakenly realize that he is physically broken, and that he is recovering. All this excitement is probably taking a toll on him. There's no point with burdening him further, or else he might not make it to the wedding. That's if there is one. 

I offer him a smile and then I send him my best wishes as I request assistance from the doctors to help me back to my room. I am trudging along down the hallway, with the physicians at my side. When I reach the hospital room, I see two people sitting in the waiting chairs- talking. 

My mom and a government official. 

A/N: Hey my amazing readers that have stuck around to this point in time. I meant to post a chapter on Saturday, but I was occupied with my crippling depression ;) But now, I have a chapter posted for all of you amazing humans, so enjoy that for me. I would love it if you slapped that vote button or perhaps, comment on how your day is going and if you are enjoying what I am writing thus far. Anyways, I must remind you that if you are indeed a silent writer, I don't mind- AT ALL. Stay silent if you truly desire to, there's no hard feelings. I am, sometimes, a silent writer as well. Now I am not sure when I will be posting next, but I do try my best to make weekly posts. The next chapter might be short, but oh well? If you are still reading this author's note... bless you. Have an awesome day and... well... hopefull you have a lot of patience for me -Kayla 

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