Chapter 12

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The government official grins at me and introduces himself, but I already know who he is- Marc Diadem. The nurses help me into the hospital bed and as I get comfortable, I tune in on their conversation. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come over for dinner?" Mom asks him. He looks at me, and then looks back at her. Then he answers, "as long as it's okay with Mae Arlene."

Mom, who finally notices that I am there, smiles at me and gestures to me to say yes. Begrudgingly, I do. 

Marc says, "and I assume that your fiance, Ron, will be joining us as well?"

"Wait- fiance?" Mom's eyes widen and she shoots me a look. 

I open up my mouth to explain, but the noise from the creaking door takes my sound. I scout who is walking into the room and a breath escapes when I notice that it's Ron. Ron looks between Mom, Marc Diadem, and me as he struggles with holding three boxes of pizzas. I move to help him, but I earn a stern look from my mother instead. Eventually, Ron regains his grip on the pizzas and he places the pizzas down on the mini table that sat between mom and Marc Diadem. 

He then takes a seat beside me on the hospital bed. I rest my head on his shoulder as I note mom and Marc's facial expressions. Marc has a smug look sewn on his face, whereas mom has an agape look. I introduce, "Mom, Mr. Diadem..."

"This is my fiance, Ron Benari-Cooperton," I smile. 

Mom finally registers the situation and she uneasily smiles. "Nice to meet you Mr. Benari-Cooperton."

Marc Diadem just inclines his head. 

"Ms. Arlene, your daughter is simply the most gorgeous woman that I have ever come across-" Mom cuts Ron off, "oh yeah, that's right... you sell deli sandwiches for a living. You must have seen many women as your customers."

"Mom!" I gasp. Hadn't she known what she said was disturbingly rude? Or did she not care? I take a deep breath. There is no point in starting a fight.  

Ron chuckles and he assures me, "It's alright. Your mom is correct."

"Will you be joining us for dinner?" Marc Diadem ignores the previous interactions and fixes the tie on his suit. He looks to be in his forties. His forehead contains a crease and he has wrinkles underneath his eyes and the corners of his smile. As did my mom. My mom is also in her forties. Suddenly, I get this disturbing thought of him being my step-father. Although that would be impossible to ever happen due to the laws, but the thought still is horrifying. I shudder. 

"Yeah," Ron uneasily smiles and then gestures towards the pizza boxes, "but let's eat lunch first."

Mom beams, "that's so sweet of you Ron!" 

"Did you just have a change of heart?" I question mom. 

"Mae Arlene," she rolls her eyes and lectures, "Don't be too quick to judge."

"Too late," I mutter and sent a glare towards Marc Diadem. Luckily, no one noticed- not even him. I watch as Marc Diadem and my mom leaves the room together- laughing -as they walk towards the cafeteria to grab plates. I shudder again. 

Ron notices and asks, "are you cold?" 

"No." I roll my eyes. 

"Oh...may I assume that you don't like Marc Diadem?" He questions. 

"Yes." I nestle my head into his chest. I take in his scent of cologne and smile. I could get used to this. Just us, in a bed, with my head buried into his chest as he holds me. 

I feel him rub my back, slowly. I feel my eyelids closing as drowsiness clouds me. I nearly let myself fall asleep, but once again, the creaking of the door interrupts me. I roll off of Ron and I sit up. Laughter fills the room as my mom starts to snort like a pig. Ron begins to chuckle and I elbow him at his side. He slightly doubles over, yet he quickly recovers. 

I watch as mom and Marc cut the slices of pizza and passes them on plates to one another. I eagerly take a piece and I take a bite of the warm slice of heaven. I let out a moan, which made everyone pause. They give me a weird look as I say, "what? this pizza is that good."

"Okay weirdo," Mom comments and returns to her conversation with Marc. I pay no attention to them as I chow down the pizza. I finish my slice before Ron and I ask for more. I am at my third slice by the time Ron is done with his first. He gives me this long look and then chuckles. 

I shrug, "I like pizza."

"I think 'like' is an understatement," Ron comments. 

A/N: Heyo persons! I have been truly busy with unnecessary drama and many more things I could go on with. I am so glad I got to get a chapter out today. Oh wait, EXACTLY a month until my birthday!!!! This is exciting! I get to get a job and make money and buy gifts all the time for my amazing as hell friends. Yeah this is what happens when I am typing the author's note and I look at the date on my laptop. Anyways, please give this chapter a vote or a comment. OR stay silent, I'm am cool with that too. I am always grateful for all of my readers- no matter if you are silent. As always, a chapter shall be coming out soon. I think. I hope. Since I have a LOT of free time to myself, I can focus on other things that I didn't have the time before to do. Grades, friends, family, and writing... Again, vote or comment or stay silent -Kayla

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