Chapter 2

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"A deli guy named Ron Benari-Cooperton!" I slam the cabinet in the kitchen. I mercilessly add salt to the sauce as I stir it. I do not even bother to look at mom as I began questioning my existence.

After a few long verbal paragraphs about how my dreams of a family have fallen to hell and burned, my mom snaps, "Mae Arlene! I hate all of this talk! What do you think your dad would say if he was here right now?"

I stop stirring the sauce as my heart wrenches. Dad.

"He would tell me that everything will work out in the end, just give it love and time." I sigh and glance at her teary-eyed. My dad died when I was 17 and absolutely loved me to death. He was at a theme park, having fun with his fellow coworkers (psychologists), and they decided to ride on all the roller coasters. Freakishly enough, my dad's handle bar on his seat did not lock into place before the ride began and he was thrown out of it. I don't want to remember my dad dying because of a thrill ride, but it is not like I can change history.

I wipe my nose with my sleeve and continue stirring the sauce.

"Give him a chance," she sympathizes. I roll my eyes and turn off the burner. I prepare two porcelain plates of pasta and give her one as I sit down adjacent to her.

She begins chatting about her work, the ER and tells me a few of the gruesome stories. I listen as I eat and it takes her 7 long stories before I am finished with the dinner. I excuse myself from the table and walk to my room.

It is a sphere shaped room, with my king-sized bed levitating three inches off the floor. I collapse onto my bed and cuddle within the silk sheets. I hug my pillow and try to escape to my world that I dream about often. The world that doesn't have the Order of 2062. There, is where the family I crave.

I would have two little boys named Jacob and Lucas. They would be twins and I would try to dress them similarly. They both would share freckles, which would be a trait coming from me, and they would have dark brown-near black hair, which would be a trait coming from their father. Their eyes would be brown, a trait of my own and his.

If I get lucky, I'll have three little girls named: Lily, Auburn, and Erin. Of course, they'll take all of my traits (blonde, brown eyes, and freckles).

Now my husband is another story. I imagine him to be compassionate, sweet, and just filled with desires. Also, perhaps having a career that he is passionate about? As hard as I try, I can't give him any physical features.

I wake up, feeling an area on my pillow just soaked. I sit up and rub my eyes. With a yawn, I dress myself to go out shopping. I need to get a new camera, that is apparent, but I also want to see if I run into Ron. Some part of me is hoping I can have a romantic love story, like the complex love stories I watched on the television when I was younger.

I grab my car keys and leave the house. The sunrise has yet to appear. For some reason, I adore watching sunrises. There's just something that draws me to them. I begin my long drive to the city as I watch colors of the rainbow paint the clear sky.

I arrive at the camera shop and eagerly explore the different lenses and cameras. I examine the camera I had previously, but I secretly feel as though I deserve an upgrade. I glance at the prices and sigh. Not cheap...not cheap at all.

In about an hour, I head out of the camera shop with a bag in my hand. I didn't expect to take that long at the shop. Suddenly, I hear my stomach gurgle. Oooo...the sandwich shop?

I find myself walking down the sidewalk and towards the shop. Fortunately, the menu that was posted outside of the shop read Bagels. I am not fond of bagels, but I'm not willing to look for more options.

I open the door with a ring and my breath hitches- Ron. He notices my idiosyncrasy instantly but does not say anything. I walk shyly towards him as he stares. I idiotically look at the neon-colored menu, even though I knew what I was getting.

"May I help you?" His voice is stiff and deep. I blink my eyes at him, but I stay silent for a few more moments. Maybe he won't notice my awkwardness.

"I would like a plain bagel..." I pause and then as a last second thought, I add, "also a large coffee."

I watch him tap into his machine and ring me up. I notice his scruffiness and that he has to be at least my age- if not a little older. I stare at his hands as he prepares my bagel. They are thick and remind me of fish sticks. I disregard the thoughts of fish sticks for that was my stomach speaking.

"I suppose this is your excuse to check me out?" Ron interrupts my thoughts. I blink and as his accusation settles into my brain, I frown.

"Oh. Am I wrong? I am terribly sorry fainting woman," he replies. Oddly enough, I glare at him.

"You stood there with a stupid deli sign!" I stomp my foot and snatch my paid items from his hands. Not even two minutes talking to him, he has already pissed me off!

"You dove into a busy street!" He argues.

I roll my eyes, "you wouldn't understand."

"We will settle this later, but for now," he pauses while I'm glaring at him with intense hatred. Suddenly, I feel his hands on my face and he shoves his lips onto mine...

A/N: Hello readers... It took me a while to finish writing this chapter to be quite honest with you. I am currently preparing for Christmas, which is my favorite holiday as of yet. It's something about receiving new items that you can use in the year(s) to come that intrigues me. Anyways, what is your favorite holiday? Feel free to comment lol. Please do me a favor and tap that vote button if you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! Alrighty, thank you for reading -Kayla

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