Chapter 9

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It doesn't take a genius to know what happened- from the steady beeping of my heart rate and blood pressure to the whiteness I succumb to when I open my eyes. My head feels like it's being hit with a brick, over and over again. I groan as I open my eyes to utter whiteness. 

"Oh, look, she's awake," I hear. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light of the room to make out the face of a doctor. I assume it's a doctor anyways. I adjust myself on the bed. I grunt as I apply pressure to my side as I do so. The doctor rushes to my side and asks, "how are you feeling?"

"Is Derek Johnson, my friend okay?" I ignore her question. I can't bare it if Derek is seriously injured or worse- dead. The doctor gives me thoughtful look. I give her a dirty look. Is it really such a terrible thing to care about others than myself? Psh. 

She doesn't seem to acknowledge my dirty look as she answers, "Mr. Johnson is in the ICU."

I give her a blank stare. 

"What does that mean?"

"The ICU is the intensive care unit where Derek Johnson is being treated for his serious medical condition," the doctor explains. 

"Conditions? Serious conditions? Please tell me what is happening," I plead. The doctor ignores. I beg once more, "doctor, I need to know that he is alright. He is my best friend. He is all I have."

"Your mother will be here shortly. I will return with news about Mr. Johnson and some tasty jello, but for now, get some rest. I do not feel that you are in a stable condition at the moment." The doctor leaves. 

I internally groan and I turn to my side in bed. I try to recollect any memory from last night. I remember going to the bar, but everything following that- I forget. What happened? I knew I had to of been in a car accident. That much was apparent, but, did I cause the car accident? A sudden wave of dread hit me. Did I kill someone?!

My thoughts are interrupted when the door to the room swings open and my mom rushes to my side. She begins to cradle me like a newborn baby. I groan. 

"My sweet Mae Arlene..." she says in a soft whisper while she combs her hands through my hair. 

I roll my eyes, "I'm not hurt mom."

"But you could've been! I cannot bear to think of losing you Mae," she says, her voice exasperated. I shrug under her arms and rest my head on her shoulder. We stay like that for a while. I didn't see the big deal, but I guess I could never relate to my mom, unless I become a mom myself. 

I hear the doctor walk in and so my mom lets go of me. I watch her take a seat and together, we listen to what the doctor has to say. 

"I have news on Derek Johnson, but first, let's address your matters, " she pauses, takes a shaky breath, and then continues, "you have suffered a concussion from the car accident, but other than that, you appear fine. Now, Mr. Johnson, has a concussion, several broken ribs, and countless more injuries. He is still in the ICU to control the internal bleeding he is suffering from as we speak."

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask, feeling my body beginning to shake. 

"I cannot say," replies the doctor. I rub my thumb against the sheet that was over me. The vibration forming between my thumb and the texture of the sheet comforts me. I glance at my mom to see her reaction, and she looks relieved. I stare blankley. Does she not care about Derek?

The doctor excuses herself and I lay back down in the bed. I stare up at the ceiling as I try to distract myself from Derek. I don't know what I would do if he died. I sigh. 

Suddenly, I hear a phone ring. I look at my mom and watch her pull out her phone. She answers it and glances at me. She gets up and hands it to me. I uneasily place it against my ear.

"Hello, this is Marc Diadem from the government with a message," Marc says. 

I worriedly look at mom, but she just shrugs. I gulp, for the government to be calling- twice -is  not good.

"Go on," I find myself whispering- not being able to speak with much volume. 

"That car accident was not just a reckless incident. If you do not marry Ron Benari-Cooperton by next Friday, there will be another accident, but this time, Mr. Johnson will not be so lucky.." the line cuts. 

I drop the phone. 

A/N: Heylo. I know I said I was going to publish another chapter a couple days ago, but I am lazy. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. I feel bad if you didn't catch that Mae got into a car accident. Nonetheless, thank you for reading up to this point. That takes some serious dedication!! This chapter seems slightly shorter than the usual 1,100 word chapters, but trust me, it's only because I want to post weekly. Anyways, feel free to vote or comment. I do not mind silent readers at all! -Kayla 

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