Chapter 6

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I stir the eggs in the pan. I watch as the white sizzle up to a goldish-brown. I flip the egg. Meanwhile, I hear my mom setting the table for two- filing around with the utensils in the drawers and the coffee mugs. I begin humming a soft tune as I finish cooking breakfast. 

"Mae, there's something on your mind," notices my mom. I give her a sideways glance and resume cooking. Of course, she knows me better than anyone.

"I was wondering if the government called you when you met dad for the very first time," I reply. I serve the eggs and turn off the stove top. I take a seat adjacent to my mom and wait for her response. I watch her facial expressions change as if she is trying to remember. 

Finally, she concludes, "no. We, your dad and I, never gave the government a reason to step in. We got married the day of. There was no point in waiting. The chance of us falling in love was impossible. He was an amazing father, don't get me wrong. I just think he wasn't meant to be in a relationship, with someone like me."

"But," she adds as if it were a second thought, "the government does not become suspicious unless you've been reported on or somehow, they've noticed no progress regarding Order of 2062."

"Oh, that's..." I pause, trying to search for the right word or phrase, "nice to know."

"Why were you wondering such a silly thing?" She asks and takes a bite of egg and downs it with caffeine. I shrug and take a bite myself. I moan at the flavor of such a simple dish. Seasoning goes such a long way when it comes to food. 

"Nothing," I answer and sip hot chocolate out of my cup. I am not the biggest fan of coffee, not really. I prefer hot chocolate, and if I must be fancy a french cappuccino.

 "Fine, if you say it's nothing- it is nothing." Mom responds. I finish up my meal and leave the room to freshen myself up. I search through my outfits to find a nice spring-feeling attire. Eventually, I settle on blue-jean shorts, an oversized plain green t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. I put my hair up in a ponytail. After applying some makeup, I leave the house with a kiss from mom and car keys in my hand. 

I call Ron and tell him to meet me at the photo studio that is next to the camera shop I visited a couple days ago. I climb into my car and drive away- determined to beat him there. 

Surprisingly, he is there first. He whistles when he sees me and grins. He is wearing a bold outfit that definitely gives a statement. He walks up to me and hugs me. I nestle into his chest, thank god for tall men. 

We stand in the embrace for what felt like hours. He certainly knew how to put on cologne and smell intoxicating. If he knew my thoughts right now, I would be so embarrassed. I break out of the embrace and I lead him to the entrance. I open up the door for him to the studio. I flick off the lights and allow him to find a spot on top of the white background. 

"You said, 'a man with a voice', well, I certainly think this works," He grins. I set up my tripod and camera. I look through the viewfinder and I allow him to be in his natural state. After a couple hundred photos of him just being himself, I ditch my camera. 

I walk up to him and I place my hands in his and move them into a certain position. I did the same with his legs and his head. Without any comment, he allows me to do this. I walk back over to my camera and take a couple shots. I do the same thing, for different poses, a couple more hundreds of times. 

While I fix his pose for the last time, he grabs my face with his hands. Caught by surprise, I am left stunned. He stares into my brown eyes like it would be the last time he'd ever see them. He gently rubs my cheek with his thumb. I am powerless underneath his gaze. 

"May I?" He whispers- I barely catch his words even though we were only a couple inches apart. I am too stunned to say anything so I nod. He lowers his lips onto mine, slowly and carefully. I melt. He leaves his lips lingering there for what seems like days. I didn't mind it at all. He is making me fall- very hard. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and push my lips more onto his. I don't know what is getting into me. I comb my fingers through his dark hair. I wrap my legs around his waist as he pins me against the wall. I feel a moan escape my lips. A wave of heat flushes through my face, what on earth is going on with me?

A/N: I am such a tease, aren't I? I didn't mean to get that hot and heated towards the end of this chapter, but I couldn't help myself ;)

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Again, I do not mind you silent readers! 

A little personal note:

It is 3 in the morning and I am just falling apart. I have breakup music playing in the background and I am rereading text messages like no tomorrow. I am a mess to be quite honest. 

Anyways, I just wanted to share that because I wanted to let you guys know that I am human and my author notes aren't robotically made! ...yay.

Alrighty, stay tuned for the next update (it should be sometime soon) -Kayla

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