Chapter 5

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"I win!"

"No, clearly, I won!" I point to my complete mess that lies on the counter- dripping onto the concrete floors. Ron looks at me, the mess, and then back at me. We burst out laughing and crash to the floor. I clutch my stomach from laughing just a little too hard.

Somehow, I end up rolling into his arms and he holds me there. My breaths are heaving and uneven. I notice how soft his brown eyes are and how they reminded me of hot chocolate. I smile and allow him to rub his thumb on my hip smoothingly. It feels as if he is keeping me planted on the ground and that everything will be okay.

I move to sit up, but he nudges me back down onto the ground. I groan, "I have work tomorrow."


"Some people have jobs and I need to make a living so I can leave and travel about 3,000 miles east of the Eiffel Tower and take the best picture ever of it and become a billionaire because people will be dying to pay for a photo- my photo -of a historic artifact," I pause, out of breath.

"You've finished?" He asks as I catch my breath. I glare at him and then I roll my eyes. He grins at my response.

"What I am trying to say that I can't stay the night," I sigh, exasperated. He arches an eyebrow.

Ron replies, "are you seriously thinking that I want to get in bed with you?"

I shrug, "most want to."

"Wait, what?" 

I smirk and help myself onto my own feet. I offer him a hand to help him up, but he declines with a wave of his hand. I leave the kitchen to the bathroom and I tidy myself up. When I finish fixing my hair, I meet back up with him in his living room. 

"So I guess I'll take you home then," he says and opens up the front door for me. I have him follow me out the door and he opens up the passenger door for me. I slide in and put on my seatbelt. He gets in and starts the engine. We are silent. 

I stare out the window. I wonder, is this it? Should have I stayed? 

I shake my head. I am not going to have any regrets. I should not expect myself to be head over heels in love with a guy I just met. I have time to fall in love. I think so, anyways...

I watch as the buildings of the city become farther and farther apart. Soon enough, he parks outside of my house. I climb out of the malibu as he cuts the engine. I walk over to the driver's seat and he rolls down the window. I duck my head and grin. 

"What's that for?" He gives me a bizarre look. 

"I had a great time. Letting you win was spectacular, I might add," I tease. He mimics me. I giggle and clap my hand over my mouth. I watch as he gives me another look. 

"Why do you cover that beautiful smile of yours?" He asks. 

I chide, "I don't know."

"Well, don't. It has the power to lighten someone's world", Ron says and starts the engine again- signifying he's about to leave. 

"Oh really? And you would know- how?" I question and I try my best not to smile. 

"It lightens up mine," He says matter of factly and shrugs. I smile and look away. Is he being serious? Damn. 

"You clearly need some sleep", I joke. 

"Well, maybe," he smiles. 

I feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach, but I ignore them. 

"Well, goodnight Ron," I back away from his car. 

He yells out the window, "first name basis?"

"Of course!" I laugh. He grins and pulls out of the driveway. I watch him leave and I feel a slight tug in my chest. I smile to myself as I make my way into my house. I ease the door slowly shut behind me and I freely giggle. I can't believe that date went so well. 

I run up the stairs, not really caring if I made a whole lot of noise since my mom is at the ER. I skip into my room and slam the door shut. I change into my pajamas and begin to brush my hair. I take care of my night routine before I flop onto my bed. 

Suddenly, my phone rings. 

  "Hello? This is Mae Arlene from the Social Artistic Division, how may I help you?" I answer the phone.

"Hello, Ms. Arlene. This is Marc Diadem from the government calling to notify you that you must arrange and marry Ron Benari-Cooperton by the next month." A rough masculine voice says. 

 "Um, excuse me? How do I not know that you aren't some stranger telling me what to do with my life? You could be like my dead aunt or something?" I question as the smile is wiped off of my face. Who is he to tell me what to do? My god, the government can go to hell before I ever allow someone to tell me how to live my life. 

"We know a lot about you, Ms. Arlene. We know that your father died in a theme park by a roller coaster malfunctioning. Also, we know that you only have your mom and the other close person in your life is your boss, Derek Johnson. And we know that you've recently met your match a few days ago- Mr. Benari-Cooperton." Marc pauses. I expect him to continue, but he doesn't.

"Okay, fine, I believe you. Is that all?" I ask, annoyed. 

"Yes. Enjoy the rest of your night, Ms. Arlene. We will keep in touch until the marriage," the line cuts. 

I lower the phone from my ear, slowly. 

"What. The. Hell." I mutter and crawl onto my bed. I pull the covers over me, but I am too captivated by my thoughts to sleep. My thoughts end up always coming back to my whimsical date. It felt so natural and it was refreshing. Ron is such a good guy as well. He is amusing, sweet, witty, odd, and attractive too. It leads me to wonder, am I potentially falling for him?

A/N: Heylo! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and feel free to vote, comment, and possibly share if you desire to. Again, I do not have an updating schedule, so please bare with me. As always, I do not mind silent readers! So, if you are one, it's all fine here. Anyways, thanks for reading -Kayla

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