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Joe Bucket had the best job in the world, or at least he liked to think so. He got to work at the biggest and greatest candy factory in the world. Each day, he woke up to a nice breakfast, prepared by his daughter in law.

He ate, walked to work, and worked till 6:30, came home, ate again and slept. Today, he woke to James looking at a photo album and happy crying, and Virginia over the toilet.

"James, what's wrong?" He asked. James looked up with tears in his eyes, just as Virginia made a horrible wretching sound. James immediately stood up and ran to his wife's side.

"That stomach bug is really hitting her hard," Joe said, for the virus had been plaguing his poor daughter in law for weeks now. Grabbing his coat he headed for the factory.

The great iron gates remained open, for anyone was welcome to visit. He walked through and opened the great written door to the producing door. Inside stood a plethora of machines and gadgets, all doing something simultaneously after the next. The room filled with the smell of chocolates and cream. A world of dreams, and pure imagination.

Children could be heard through the shop doors. Lollipops stood in bouquets, as flowers do. Wonka bars sat, stacked across every wall, ready to be packaged. Joe walked out through the rainbow swirl doors to the begging children.

"Hello kids! You guys want candy do you?" He said with a smile. He bent down by a little boy, who looked just like James.

"Child, you want candy?" He asked the little boy. The child nodded. Joe smiled, for he ever so loved children.

"What's your name boy?" He asked. The boy looked up at the old man, with eyes like stars.

"Kyler." He answered, softly and meekly. Joe smiled at the small shy child.

"What would you like Kyler?" He asked.

Kyler looked up at the candy. Joe couldn't help smiling once more. Kyler couldn't be older than five.

"I would like a Wonka bar please sir, I have a nickel," Kyler answered shyly.
Joe grabbed a Wonka bar and gingerly set it in Kyler's hands. Kyler smiled a small smile and ran off into his mother's waiting arms. Oh, how Joe wanted a grandchild, he loved children.

There at the candy counter, he took requests from children all day, none made as much as an impact as Kyler.

Finally, the day ended. He opened the rainbow swirl doors, and behind them, stood no one other, then Willy Wonka himself.

He stood at six foot five, pretty tall. His purple hat sat crooked upon his head. His most prominent feature, were his eyes. They were a bright, brilliant blue, the one thing that wasn't ridiculous, or purple on him.
His purple coat touched the ground, leaving a trail of glitter behind him.

"You, Mister Bucket, are doing a grand job, parents come to me and tell me of your great job with talking to the children. You have grandchildren, right?"

Joe smiled. "No sir, but thank you sir. My daughter in law and son have not yet conceived a child, as far as I know. Virginia has had the stomach flu for a while."

Willy smiled. "Well, keep up the good work." Spoke the purple-hatted man.

With that Joe went out the wooden door, through the iron gates, away from the world of pure imagination.

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