A big misunderstanding

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Song: stay- 30 seconds to mars

You woke up later than usual and you lay there looking at the ceiling the smell of Jared still lingering in the spot next to you as you lay quietly you could hear muffled voices coming from downstairs so you made your way down and stopped at the top of the stairs when you recognized Jared and his mom's voices "i don't know if i can do it mom but i can't just come out with it" you hear Jared saying and your heart drops "can't do what? is he breaking up with you" all these thoughts were running through your head and tears formed in your eyes and you made your way back to the bedroom and begin packing your things. "Ask shannon to help you i'm sure him and tomo will help you set it all up" Constance says to Jared "I guess it just needs to be perfect" he replies to her and she smiles while placing her hand on his "it will be" you had finished packing your things and you sneak out of the house and head to Y/B/F/N house, You knock the door and Y/B/F/N answers "Y/N hey" you burst into tears as soon as she opens the door and she drags you into the house "Y/N what's wrong?" "i heard Jared talking to his mother, i think it's over he said he can't do it and he can't just come out and tell me" you say between sobs and she hugs you tight.

Jared's POV

i finished talking with my mum and went up to call Y/N out of bed she was awfully lazy today i headed up the stairs and swung open the door "Y/N baby get up" i said but she was gone and what should have been her in bed was a note ' Jared i heard what you said to your mum so i made it easier for you i'm sorry i couldn't make you happy - Y/N' "no no no" i dropped the letter on the floor and went to the wardrobe, gone it was all gone. Tears filled my eyes and i ran downstairs "mom she's gone and she took all her stuff" my mom hugs me "calm down where do you think she could have gone?" i think for a moment and remember where she goes every time we have an argument "Y/B/F/N she will be there" i say pulling out my phone and texting Y/B/F/N 'Y/N got it wrong i don't want to leave her i'm planning a surprise for her but you cannot tell her just have her at the lake by 6 please' i let out a sigh "she will be there right?" i say with worry "of course she will honey" my mom hugs me and i ring shannon and tomo to help get this surprise set up as soon as possible

Your POV

I had finally calmed down and was sipping on some coffee when Y/B/F/N's phone pinged and i watched her as she read it her jaw dropping "what is it?" i ask confused "oh nothing just spam" she grins and i raise an eyebrow. "i don't understand why he's left me i thought we were ok" you say before taking another sip of your coffee "are you sure he left you?" Y/B/F/N says "what do you mean?" "well did you specifically hear him say he want's to leave you?" "no but" she cuts you off "well then" she nods "but i heard him say he can't do it" "Y/N babes you could have just only heard half the story" she says shrugging "he hasn't even called or text that's all the answers i need" you say putting your coffee cup down. "hey why don't we take a drive to the lake" Y/B/F/N says "that's pretty random but okay" you say confused "you know clear your mind or something" she says with a weird smile "okay" you say still confused "great let's go get ready" "get ready? why can't we just go like this" "a girl never needs a reason to wear a dress" she says while pulling you up from the chair

Jared's POV

Shannon Tomo and I have managed to start setting up the surprise fairy lights wrapped around and in the trees candles everywhere including floating in the lake a stereo and speakers my guitar of course and mom was bringing the food later, it was finally all finished "thanks for helping" i say to Shannon and Tomo "you're welcome.. i'm so proud of you man" Shannon says while giving me a hug. "she's going to love it" Tomo says and i nod "i hope so she should be here soon i hope Y/B/F/N get's her here" "she will" Shannon reassures me.

Your POV

come on Y/N we're gonna be late" Y/B/F/N shouts from the bathroom "late for what?" you frown "uh the lake.. i hear they close it at a certain time now" she says with a smile she sure was acting strange tonight you thought to yourself while finishing your make up "i'm ready" you say with a sigh. "You look beautiful" Y/B/F/N says while fixing your hair a little "i still don't get why we are wearing dresses just to drive to the lake" you say getting your shoes on "because it's fun" she grins and takes out her phone to text Jared 'we are on our way' she hits send making sure you don't see before heading to the car

-Time Skip-

You pull up by the lake and your breath is taken away by how beautiful it looks there were fairly lights everywhere and it looked amazing it was kinda dark all you could see were black figures "looks like someone is having some sort of party" you chuckle before getting out of the car. You walked closer to the lake and the closer you got you could hear music and peoples faces began to take form you saw Tomo Shannon and Constance "Y/B/F/N what's going on?" you ask confused before Jared's face came out of the shadows "Surprise" he smiles "i don't... i don't understand i thought you wanted to leave" you ask eyes filling up, "no baby you misunderstood" "but you said you can't do it" "oh no i meant this" he points to all the lights and food "i wasn't sure if i could get it all set up but Shannon and Tomo helped me" Shannon and Tomo give you a wave and you wrap your arms around Jared "thank you" you smile. "that's not all yet" Shannon hands Jared his guitar and he begins playing you a song and singing "

Not really sure how to feel about it something in the way you move makes me feel like I can't live without you It takes me all the way I want you to stay" you try and hold back your tears but you can't after he finishes singing he hands his guitar to Shannon who then hands him a black box. Everyone goes silent as he kneels down in front of you taking hold of your hand, "Y/N i have loved you since the first day i saw you and i will love you until my last day on earth because without you i'm just a stranger in a strange land" everyone lets out a little chuckle "would you make me the happiest man" Y/B/F/N coughs "vampire" and Jared chuckles "will you make me the happiest vampire" he shoots your friend a playful look "in the world and marry me?" "of course i will!" Jared slips the ring on your finger and you hug and kiss. "she said yes let's party!" Shannon yells before hitting play on the stereo and you all dance the night away.

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