Let's play pretend

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Song:mr brightside- the killers

It was 10pm, Shannon and Y/F/N popped in for a chat and some coffee... "i can't believe how expensive it has gone" Y/F/N says and you nod "i couldn't believe it myself almost $5 for a coffee in that new coffee shop" you said shaking your head slightly. "jesus" Shannon pipes up "what's wrong with you" Y/F/N says narrowing her eyebrows, "when did we all get so old" he replies; "what do you mean?" you say looking over at him.. "look at us complaining about the price of coffee" he huffs standing up "it's a Saturday night and we are all sat here like 60 year old's.. what happened to the good times where you would grab some booze and get hammered in a park somewhere" he says shrugging slightly. "we're not teenagers shan" you say rolling your eyes "why don't we pretend to be" Jared pipes up a big grin on his face "and what the hell is that supposed to mean" Y/F/N says confused, "like Shannon said grab some booze and find a park somewhere.. just like teenagers there's no harm in it" he says looking at us all; "i'm in" Shannon says putting his hand out and Jared puts his hand on top of his "girls?" Jared asks and you and Y/F/N look at each other... "sure why not" you both say and put your hands in with the guy's hands. "let's do this shit" Shannon says before you all move your hands up into the air. You all walk to the nearest liqueur store; "i can't believe we're doing this" you whisper to Y/F/N "just go with it, it might be fun" she whispers back as the guys pay for all the booze... "here we are ladies" Jared smiles and holds up the bag of alcohol "so where to now" Y/F/N says, "i know a park that would be perfect it's pretty abandoned no one really goes there so we wont be disturbing anyone" Shannon says while slowly walking off and the rest of you shrug and follow on. You make it to the park and Shannon was right the whole area was dead there were a few swings a slide and some skating ramps it looked pretty creepy, Shannon jumped over the fence followed by Jared while you and Y/F/N use the gate.. "noobs" Shannon chuckles and Y/F/N flashes him her middle finger in response; You all take a seat on the floor before Jared hands out some booze and you all crack open your bottles and cans. "this was the life back then" Jared says before taking a gulp of his drink while Shannon and Y/F/N nods in agreement.. "i never did it as a teenager" you confess before taking a sip of your drink; "i don't believe you" Shannon says grinning "no honestly i didn't" you reply back shrugging slightly.. "well we will have to show you what you missed" Jared shoots you a smile and a wink and you smile back leaning your head against his shoulder. A few drinks in you were all a little more than tipsy "hey hey guys! Guys look at me! i'm sliding into those DMS" Shannon yells before sliding down the slide standing up and falling when he got to the end and you all burst out with laughter, "you're a fucking idiot" Y/F/N yells still laughing "we need some music!" you gasp and pull out your phone and scrolling through your music.. "perfect" you whisper and hit play, everyone gasps as the music starts before you all sing in unison " jealousy, turning saints into the sea swimming through sick lullabies!!" you all yell out you and Y/F/N dancing like idiots. even more drinks in and it is fair to say you are all more than a little drunk and way more than being a tad loud, you were all now standing on the skate ramps playing air instruments filming the whole thing, screaming lyrics out "i'm just a teenage dirtbag baby! listen to iron maiden baby with me!!!" you all scream at the top of your lungs. You were all having the time of your life until you all see flashing blue and red lights "the fuck is that?" you ask stepping closer "oh shit it's the pork scratching's" Shannon says holding his hands up.. "Shannon don't be rude and put your god damn hands down you're not being arrested.... i hope" Jared says and you all jump down off the skate ramps; the cop walks to the gate flicking his torch on.. "what seems to be the problem officer" Y/F/N says while leaning against the fence, "sorry to break up the uh party but we have had a few noise complaints" "from who.. no one lives around here" Shannon bites.. "the block over sir we had 3 phone calls saying there were some teenagers causing a load of ruckus" the cop continues and you all chuckle "teenagers" Jared giggles and the cop looks confused "i'm gonna have to ask you guys to move along alright". "yes sir we're leaving you say" before you all walk on giggling "he thought we were teenagers" Y/F/N laughs; "man i'm so hungry" you say hooking your arm around Jared's and he smiles at you.. "pizza and the back to ours?" he signals to the pizza place, "fuck yeah!" Shannon says before running into the pizza place; You all ordered your desired pizza's and head back to yours and Jared's place you and Y/F/N flop on the sofa while Jared and Shannon plonk down on the floor and all four of you tuck into your pizzas making some questionable sounds while you do so. "Y/N what did you get on yours?" Y/F/N asks sausage and mushroom with extra cheese you reply with a mouth full of it and Jared scrunches his nose up at the mere mention of meat and you poke your tongue out at him and smile at him and he smiles back.. "yo let me try some of that" Shannon slurs and you hand a slice to Y/F/N to give to him but instead she leans over him with it in her hand kisses him on the cheek before shoving the slice into his face, you and Jared gasp and watch them intently while Jared moves from the floor to the sofa with you. Shannon peels the slice off his face and Y/F/N is laughing "bitch" Shannon laughs before grabbing her and wiping the sauce off his face and rubbing it all over hers and she gasps before you all burst out laughing.. Maybe you were all still young at heart and probably always will be.

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