Not while i'm around

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Song: drive- deftones, it probably doesn't fit the story but i'm obsessed with this song.

Warnings: attempted rape kind of thing? i guess idk

"Jared?" you yell from the bedroom while touching up your hair, "yeah?" he yells back from the bottom of the stairs "could you grab Shannon's cake from the fridge please" "sure" Jared shouts with a nod. "And don't eat any!" you say quickly while making your way down the stairs "damn" he mumbles before grabbing the cake... "what time is it?" you ask while slipping on your shoes "7 the taxi should be here soon" Jared replies looking at his watch and you nod with a smile.

-Time Skip-

The taxi pulls up outside the venue Shannon was holding his party at you probably wouldn't know 80% of the people here but Shannon was like family to you. You look over to Jared waiting for him to get out to see him eyeing up the cake "Jared, leave the cake alone" you smile and he quickly closes the lid "okay okay jeez... come on then woman of mine let's get this party started" he wiggles his eyebrows and you roll your eyes before making your way into the venue. the heat hit the both of you as soon as you walked in... there were so many people, "there they are!!!" you hear someone shout from the big crowd before Shannon merges from the people; "hey happy birthday!" you say happily before giving him a hug "i made you a birthday cake" You grin. "thank you Y/N! you know i love your cakes" Shannon says before taking the cake off Jared "go grab a drink free bar all night" Shannon states putting his arms around you and Jared "you really went all out" Jared says with a chuckle as you all walk to the bar and grab some drinks. You and Jared sat at the bar for a while before Jared spots Tomo "i'm going to go talk to T are you ok by here?" Jared asks stroking your cheek and you nod while taking a sip of your drink, "ok i wont be long" Jared gives you a small kiss and you watch him walk away. "hey" you hear a voice next to you say and you turn around... "hi" you reply with one brow raised "can i buy you a drink?" the strange man asks sitting down next to you "it's a free bar.." "oh right sure yeah.. well can i get you a drink then?" he asks again this time placing his hand on your knee and you quickly swat it away "i'm fine" you snap before getting up off the stool and walking to the ladies bathroom. Little to your knowledge Jared was watching the whole time... You push open the bathroom door and check out your make up in the mirror, You hear the door being pushed open and see a figure in the mirror so you look up to see the same sleazy guy standing behind you. You pick up your purse and try and get passed him but he steps back in front of you and you sigh "excuse me" you say impatiently "where do you think you're going baby?" the obviously drunk man says before grabbing onto your waist and backing you up against the sinks. "get off me" you shout while trying to scramble away before you see a fist fly towards the guys face you gasp and bring your hands to your mouth before Jared grabs your arms looking at your face, "Y/N are you ok did he hurt you?" he says looking you over to make sure you wasn't hurt.. "no i'm fine i just, i just wanna go home" you say wrapping your arms around Jared and he squeezes you tight.

-Time Skip-

your taxi drops you both off back home and you flop down on the couch with a big sigh of relief, "here i think you need this" Jared hands you some ice cream before sitting down next to you wrapping his arms around you and you lean your back against his chest. "who the fuck thinks it's ok to treat a woman like that!?" you say in a ranting tone "dickheads" Jared replies while nicking some of the ice cream "if you hadn't have been there" you say looking down slightly "well i was" Jared says lifting your head up by your chin "no one is ever going to hurt you... not while i'm around" he smiles at you and you grin back "i'm your knight in shining amour" he says in a gloating tone... "more like my twat in tin foil" you chuckle "hey!" he yells before poking lightly at your hips and tickling you causing you to fall into a fit of laughter until he stops and you both smile at each other as he looks down on you. "i love you Y/N" Jared says while holding out his pinky finger and you hook your pinky finger around his "ditto" you smile at him and he places a small kiss on your forehead before you wrap your arms around him and he nuzzles on your chest.

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