I'm new to this

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"Baby are you ready yet?" Jared asks looking at his watch "almost!" you yell from the bathroom, Today Jared was taking you to a fancy party for the new Gucci launch and you were so excited and nervous.. You didn't know how to be fancy or posh; "how does this look?" you ask stepping out of the bathroom. "perfect" he smiles and takes hold of your hand and you head to the party, "ready?" Jared asks as you both stand outside the biggest mansion you have ever seen in your life and you nod "let's do this" you say linking with his arm and headed into the mansion; "oh my god" you whisper your mouth hanging open, there were butlers everywhere the floor was completely marble and the biggest set of stairs. Jared chuckles "come on" he leads you to the main room where the party was being held, he greets and smiles at everyone and you watched him in awe he looked so handsome... "drinks" a butler asks and you both take one and he does a little bow and walks off, You take a sip of the drink "oo champagne, you can tell it's not the shit stuff" you say looking at the glass; "Y/N!" Jared looks at you "what? it's a compliment" you shrug and he smiles while staking his head at you. Jared begins mingling with people you still cling to his arm as you nodded pretending to know what the hell was going on, "amuse bouche?" another butler asks... "how dare you!" you say loudly grabbing Jared's attention and he sighs "honey it's an appetizer of sort" he says trying to hold in his laughter. "oh thank you" you take one feeling a little embarrassed; "sorry i'm new to all this fancy smancy stuff" you say looking at the floor and Jared wraps his arm around you "i know baby i know" he comforts you. After a while you got into the swing of things engaging into some conversation with some interesting people while Jared grabbed some more drinks, "hey baby try this escargot" he pops one in your mouth and you instantly spit it out "oh my god that is disgusting! what was that" you say wiping your mouth and Jared is laughing hard "snail's" he says through his laughing... "you prick!" you say loudly causing the room to fall silent "hi" you say and wave awkwardly, "okay time to go" Jared says lightly pushing you towards the door "bye!!" you yell while Jared pushes you away. "that went well" you grin and Jared shakes his head while laughing.. "i'm not cut out for this posh thing" you say pouting at him "it was funny though" he grins while wrapping his arm around you while you walk towards your taxi "Jared?" "yeah babe?" he looks at you, "never invite me again" you chuckle and he chuckles back "okay i wont"

Jared leto imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now