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Troye thinks about the boy on the way to his merchandising class, he thinks about the boy at his desk, he thinks about they boy as he types up a report, he thinks about the boy until the bell finally rings signalling the end of class. Troye can picture him in his garments, he can picture the way the tweed trousers will look on those mile long legs, he can picture how the blazer will fit perfectly on the boys square but not overly broad shoulders.

He is perfection and Troye decides he's willing to venture a trip into the cafeteria to find him. He gathers his things and tucks his laptop under his arm before leaving the classroom. The halls are crowded and Troyes' frustration is at a new high as he tries to pass through. When he finally reaches the cafeteria he pauses near the entrance and looks around. He sees Caspar and Tyler, he'll go sit with them until the dark brown haired boy shows up. Troye  knows the boy may not even come to the cafeteria, but its worth a shot.

Troye is about to start over to his friends when he hears a familiar giggle. His head whips around and sure enough, there is the boy with his head thrown back in a laugh. The laugh is clearly caused by the same blonde boy, they sit across from each other at one of the tables. The boy claps a ridiculously large hand over his mouth to try and stifle himself and hangs his head, his shoulders shaking. Troye  feels a smile tugging at the corners of his lips at the adorableness of it.

Troye  turns on his heel and starts toward the table. When he approaches he hears the thick American accent of the blonde boy forming a sentence ending in the word cunt. The brunette almost releases another cackle but then he seems to notice Troye approaching and freezes with a grin on his lips. Troye offers a polite smile and the blonde cranes around to catch a glimpse of whoever the brunette is staring at. His eyebrows shoot up when he sees Troye.

"Hey," Troye says easily, pulling out the chair beside the blonde and sitting down.

The pretty ones mouth is still gaping open and the blondes eyebrows are almost touching his hair line. Troye finds it a little odd because he doesn't think he would be quite so put off by a stranger taking a seat but he just maintains a polite smile.

"Sorry to interrupt your lunch, I was just wondering if you had a minute?" Troye asks the tall haired one.

The boy swallows thickly before he nods, "sure, what's up?" he says.

His voice is slow and deep and it seems to rumble from somewhere deep inside. The boy sounds quite gruff to have such boyish dimples but there is a gentleness to his voice. He gives a shy smile, only one dimple showing, and looks at Troye expectantly. Troye nods and brightens his grin, he is asking for a favour after all.

"Whats your name?" Troye  asks first.

"Um- Jacob Bixenman," the boy replies.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Troye Sivan," he says.

"I know," Jacob says, but then he looks like he wishes he hadn't said it.

The blonde seems to laugh under his breath for some reason and Jacob shoots him a scathing glare. Troye isn't all that surprised that the boy knows his name. Troye is by definition an introvert, he'd much rather be alone or with his two best friends because social interaction tends to be draining on him. However, while he would prefer to be alone, when he is forced into social settings he is extremely outgoing and has the ability to interact well with almost anyone. All his life he's been surrounded by people who consider themselves his friend, even though he is the type of person who only has one or two true friends at a time.

So he isn't surprised that Jacob knows his name because almost everyone does; Troye  has introduced himself to people before and received hurt looks in return because he's already met them. He knows for sure he's never met Jacob though, because he knows he would remember a boy like this.

"Right, well, I actually had a huge favour to ask you and I want you to keep an open mind before you say no, ok?" Troye asks, grinning.

"Erhm, alright," Jacob says, totally nonplussed.

"Alright so every year there is a winter fashion show. I'm in my third year to get my fashion design degree, and so the winter collection that I've designed is going to be shown," Troye explains.

Jacob nods but still looks confused, "thats great, but um, what does that have to do with me?" he asks.

"Well I've designed three menswear outfits and I need someone to model them on the runway," Troye continues.

Jacob 's eyebrows scrunch up, "surely you're not implying you want me to do it," he lets out a nervous chuckle.

Troye is nothing if not determined though, "thats exactly what I'm implying. I saw you in the hall and its like you were built for what I've designed. I need you to do it," he says.

Jacob scoffs, "I'm not a model- I- I can't model," he stutters.

"Well you can walk can't you?" Troye says gently, "it will be easy, all you need to do is put on three outfits and walk down a runway. Easy Peasey."

Jacob shakes his head vigorously, "listen, I'm really flattered but I'm not the most graceful individual and I'd probably fall flat on my face. And I really don't think I'd do your clothes justice," he's shy and self depreciating and Troye finds it adorable.

"Listen Jacob, I'm not really the type of guy who takes no for an answer. I don't want to be too forward but I've decided you'll be perfect and I'm asking you nicely," Troye  says with a playful smile.

Jacob blushes and looks down at his hands on the table, "I don't want to let you down," he says quietly.

Troye is a little thrown off by the genuine concern in the boys voice. Troye realizes he isn't saying no because he doesn't want to, or he has something better to do, he sounds genuinely worried that he won't do well enough. It is absolutely endearing.

"Hey," Troye says so Jacob looks up at him, "you'll be perfect."

"He'll do it," the blonde says brightly, both Troye and Jacob raise their eyebrows at him, "right Jake? Tell him you'll do it."

Troye grins and looks at Jacob, "okay, I'll do it," Jacob says, with a sheepish smile.

Troye claps his hands together, "great! That's awesome! Give me your number so I can tell you when to come to the studio for fitting," he says.

When he's taken down Jacob's phone number he thanks him again. He also finds out the blonde boy is called Connor and thanks him for helping convince Jacob. He leaves Jacob  looking like he's wondering what he's gotten himself into. Troye is grinning from ear to ear when he goes to the table Caspar and Tyler are at. They look up from their own little world when he pulls out a chair beside them.

"I've found my model!" Troye says happily.

"Who?" Caspar asks excitedly.

"A guy named Jacob Bixenman. He's perfect; his legs are so long and thin and he's got torso for ages," Troye  explains.

"How'd you convince him?" Tyler asks, relieved to see his best friend less stressed.

"I was pretty persistent," Troye shrugs, "but now that I've solved that dilemma my mind is clear so I'm going to the studio to work for a bit. See you guys at home."

He bids them goodbye and then hurries out of the cafeteria, feeling light with relief. The lightness turns out to be from hunger though, and by the time Troye  gets to the studio his heart is racing and he feels dizzy. He digs around in his bag until he finds the plastic bag of celery sticks he packed in the morning. He munches on them while he sketches and downs a bottle of water to help fill his stomach. He can't stop himself from thinking of how beautiful Jacob was up close, all red lips and white teeth and eyes so sparkly and warm.

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