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Whoever said that falling in love happens slowly and gradually is a fucking liar. Troye doesn't know if it's because he's postponed the realization for as long as humanely possible, or if it really just happened all at once, but it hit him like a fucking freight train. Two weeks after he finally, finally let himself accept the fact that Jacob Bixenman is head over fucking heels in love with him, he gets slapped across the face.

He's laying in bed at Caspar's, trying desperately to avoid the sun shining through the blinds, when he hears his bedroom door open. He almost cusses at Caspar to leave him be, but then he remembers that sometimes the girls like to hop in bed and wake him up. He decides to bury further into the bed and try to fall asleep. His phone is smooshed against his cheek still, from falling asleep with Jacob last night. His chest is a little sticky from the hushed phone sex that took place before. Everything seems hotter when you have to keep your voice down.

He hears the intruder padding around his room, but his curiosity doesn't outweigh his desire to stay in bed. It could be the girls, planning an ambush, to jump on him. It could be Caspar stealing something to wear out of his suitcase, or trying to think of the most obnoxious way to wake him up. He's going to meet Jacob's family today, and he wants to make himself as presentable as possible, so he probably should get up now, but he's just so cozy.

He's expecting to be tackled, he's expecting to get a slobbery finger shoved in his ear, he's expecting to be beat by pillows, he's expecting to have the blankets ripped off him; he's expecting to be tortured awake by either the girls, or Caspar. He is not expecting what actually happens.

The edge of the bed sinks down, and he holds his breath. The blankets are pulled back from his head, so his bare shoulders are exposed, but he keeps his eyes shut and his breathing steady. His muscles are coiled to tackle if it turns out to be Caspar fucking with him, and he's ready for a tickle fight if it's the girls. Except then there are lips pressed against his shoulder. Soft, and warm, and just a little moist, as the lips graze his skin.

His heart clenches and he almost breathes out Jacob's name, but he's enjoying it too much. The lips trace up the line of his neck, even though it's scrunched at an awkward angle. When Jacob's lips press at that sensitive spot behind his ear, his breath rushes out of him. Jacob pretends not to hear. A hand slides across Troye' stomach, and up his bare chest, a thumb teasing softly at one of Troye's nipples. Jacob suckles lightly along Troye' jaw, and Troye has to bite back a whine. None of it is meant to be sexual; all of the touches are tender and sweet.

The mattress creaks, as Jacob crawls over him, onto the other side of the bed. Jacob isn't very graceful as he slips under the covers next to Troye, but he manages to wedge himself in between Troye's body and the wall. When Jacob is under the covers his arm loops easily around Troye's middle, and pulls him closer. Troye whines and rolls over, keeping his eyes closed as he snuggles closer. Jacob's arms wrap around him, and Troye tangles their legs together. Troye feels completely encompassed.

He's wide awake now, but also completely relaxed and content, so he has even less desire to move. Other than burying deeper into Jacob's arms. He knew how much he's missed falling asleep next to Jacob all vacation, but he'd never thought about how much he's missed waking up next to Jacob, until now. It isn't quite the same, because Jacob doesn't have his morning smell; that sweet muskiness that comes from him getting warm in the night but refusing to let go of Troye, but it's still amazing to wake up in Jacob's arms.

Jacob's fingertips knead softly at Troye' scalp, and Troye is about two seconds away from purring. He finally pries one eye open, and the very first thing he sees in the morning is an angel. This angel has ridiculously full red lips, and the longest eyelashes Troye has ever seen. The sun is shining on the back of the angels short dark wavy hair, like a halo. Then, the angel opens his eyes, and when blue meets hazel, and the angel smiles, Troye realizes that he is a fucking goner.

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