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When Tyler comes out of the building after showering and changing Troye lets Caspar hug him first so when he goes into Tyler's arms it doesn't seem strange when he lingers there. Tyler just accepts a bit of his weight as Troye nuzzles into his neck telling him he did great and seeking comfort in Tyler's strong arms around his shoulders. Tyler doesn't know what's wrong with Troye, he usually never does, but after the hug he keeps an arm around Troyes shoulders as if it's his choice not to let go. The others don't see Troyes hand under Tyler's jacket fisted around his sweatshirt.

Tyler smiles down at Troye as they stand side by side facing the other three but there is a question in his eyes. Troye just smiles in response. Tyler probably just thinks he's having social anxiety about Jacob and Connor or something. He doesn't know that Jacob makes Troye feel more comfortable than he has in a long time and it's impossible not to get along with Connor, but Troye can't exactly say 'I'm nervous because I don't know how to hide my diet from you' so he lets Tyler think whatever will keep his arm around his shoulders.

Tyler turns his smile to the others and Troye smiles a little brighter, "Ty, this is Jacob and Connor," he says.

Tyler does not remove his right arm from around Troye' shoulders, because true to form he'd rather share a ridiculously awkward left handed hand shake than let go of Troye when he can sense that Troye needs him. Jacob is eyeing them a little but he smiles warmly and shakes. Troye knows the dynamic between the three of them is confusing as fuck for an outsider but he can't bring himself to care at the moment. Jacob will figure it out if he wants to be an addition, if he wants to fit somewhere. Maybe Connor too, Troye will have to see.

"Good meeting you" Connor grins.

"Yeah," Jacob agrees, "great game."

Tyler grins, "thanks," he says, bashfully.

"That third goal was sick!" Connor adds enthusiastically.

They go off on a tangent, Tyler, Connor and Caspar talking game and it's a moment before Troye realizes Jacob isn't in the conversation. When he raises his head from where it was pressed alongside Tyler's neck he catches Jacob's eyes on him. Jacob offers a shy smile and Troye returns it, taking in the way Jacob stands with his hands in the pockets of his tight jeans, shoulders a little hunched.

"Oh and Tyler we're taking you out for an early dinner to celebrate!" Caspar says excitedly.

Troye breaks away from Jacob's gaze and looks up to Tyler. The look of surprise and utter joy on Tyler's face would be comical if Troye didn't know how ridiculously genuine the reaction is. His eyebrows shoot up and a grin splits his face and instantly he looks down to Troye confirming the statement.

Troye brightens his smile a notch, "yeah we've got to treat our champ right," he says, pinching Tyler's side playfully and eliciting a laugh.

"Wow thanks guys," Tyler grins, "thanks," he adds, quieter and pressed into Troye' hair, just for him.

Troye hates that. He hates that Tyler feels like he needs to say a special thank you to Troye just for agreeing to go out for dinner with his friends. He hates that Tyler is so surprised that they're treating him to a night out because he knows that Troye would rather be at home. Troye hates that Tyler doesn't know it's the food he hates, not the going out. Troye would go out every single night with them if he could just be with them and not have to worry about avoiding food.

Troye knows he can't claim he's not hungry because Caspar knows he hasn't eaten yet. He can't claim he's not well or the two of them will swoop in and begin fawning over him, insisting they go home to play nurse and doctor. He can't show how much he's panicking because then that smile will be off Tyler's face in an instant and Troye doesn't want to do that, never wants to do that to his Tyler. Troye decides he needs to get his shit together.

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