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"Troye, what's he talking about?" Tyler asks slowly.

Caspar's eyes are trained on Jacob, but Jacob can only look at Troye. Troye won't meet any of their eyes though, as he slowly untangles himself from Caspar's arms. Tyler steps forward and reaches out for him, but Troye flinches away, and Tyler looks like he's been kicked. Troye backs away, and Tyler and Caspar freeze with confusion all over their faces. Jacob wants to tell them not to corner him, but they've known Troye longer and it isn't his place. Jacob hovers by the door, unable to take his eyes off Troye's face as he fights back the tears in his baby blue eyes.

"Tro-" Caspar starts, and his voice sounds shaky, "Jacob?"

Troye's eyes flash up to Jacob's, and Jacob feels Tyler and Caspar's eyes on him too, "I need all three of you to get out now," Troye says, his voice small and pained, "please just leave me alone."

"Babe," Jacob chokes out.

"Get out!" Troye cries, and this time it isn't angry, just broken and panicked and Jacob thinks that hurts worse.

"Troye, what is Jacob talking about?" Tyler asks, reaching out for Troye, only to have him shrink away further.

"Please leave!" Troye sobs, his arms wrapped tightly around himself, "all of you, please!"

Jacob doesn't think he can handle this. He's seen Troye cry a couple of times over movies, or once when a terribly sad commercial for sick kids came on the TV. It was a few tears that trailed down his pale cheeks for just a moment, before Jacob was able to kiss them away. Even then it killed Jacob to see those gorgeous eyes wet and sad. He never in his life wanted to see Troye properly cry because he was hurt or upset. Now, Troye is crying because of Jacob, and Jacob hates himself for it.

"Tr-" Caspar tries.

"Go!" Troye yells, "Get out! Get out! Get out!"

"We're not leaving until we know what the fuck is going on, Troye!" Tyler shouts, gesturing angrily between Jacob, and Troye's cowering form.

"Stop," Caspar says quickly, as Jacob's mouth opens to say the same thing, "yelling isn't going to help, Tyler."

Tyler instantly hangs his head, "I know. Troye, I'm sorry, please just- please just tell us what's going on."

Troye finally looks up from the floor and his eyes are wet and pleading, "please," he says, almost a whisper, "please just get out of my room, I'm sorry."

The silence is tangible as Troye lets out a shaky breath and wilts back into the corner of the room. Jacob's chest is aching, because all he wants to do is rush forward and scoop Troye up, but he knows he can't. He sees Caspar reach out and put gentle pressure on Tyler's arm. Tyler hesitates for only a moment before he lets out a sigh. They turn away from Troye, looking just as downtrodden as Jacob feels. Caspar reaches out for Jacob too, and his hand on Jacob's arm is so much softer than Tyler's was, but the message is the same.

They slowly file out of the room and Jacob casts one glance back, before Troye is rushing forward from his corner, and slamming the door in Jacob's face. Jacob lets out a shuddery breath as Caspar pulls him gently to the living room. Instantly they turn to him, standing side by side with a million questions in their eyes; a united front, like always.

"Explain," Tyler says roughly, Caspar's hand goes up to Tyler's shoulder, gentle pressure telling him to calm down.

"Troye-" Jacob has to stop and clear the unshed tears from his throat, "I saw Troye naked last night, and I knew something was wrong. He doesn't have a single bit of fat on him, you can see every bone. I heard him throwing up the breakfast I made him, and I thought maybe he was bulimic, but I talked to my sister and I researched it and he's- er he's anorexic."

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