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Merediths Pov

I wake up with someone's arms around me holding me tight.

"How long have I been out?" I ask to whoever it was

"Like an hour or two" Grayson replies

"Where's Ethan?" I ask

"He went on a date with this girl... He said that he met her the other day. Hell be back in a little bit" Grayson says

"Ok. I'm glad he will have a girl now he won't be cuddling with me 24/7. I don't mid him doing that but he will have his own girl to cuddle with" I say.

"True. He needs someone now... He really like y-" he didn't finish his sentence and he looks at me

"What?" I said

"Nothing, nothing" Grayson said as he goes on his phone

"I'm going to go take a shower" I said

"Ok can I go next?" Grayson said

"Yea... but do me a favor and put the sheets that we were on in the washing machine so it won't smell bad" I said

"Sure" Grayson said

I go into the closet and get some comfy clothes and get my under wear and bra and now I go into the shower.

I do my business and now I put my hair into the towel and dry my body. I put my undergarments on and then I put my shirt and shorts on and got out

"Your turn" I said

"Took you thirty minutes" Grayson said while playfully rolling his eyes

"Ok so? Girls need there time while they do there business" I snapped back I tried to stay serious but failed I ended up laughing

He laughs and goes into the bathroom

I hear the doorbell ring and a door open

"I'm HOME BITCHES!!!" I hear Ethan scream

"IM UP IN MY ROOM!" I yelled

"Damn your so loud I'm right here" Ethan said

"So, who did the date go!?" I asked while I sat down on the sofa

"She ended up going to the bathroom but ditched me for another guy" Ethan said. I tried my best to not laugh and I succeeded

"Awe it's ok you'll find the right girl" I said

"Yea... I already found her she just doesn't know" Ethan said while sighing

"Who is it?" I asked

"Keeping that to myself" Ethan said

"Come on we know more secrets than the damn government" I said while standing up and going up to hug him. He hugs me and rubs my back

"I know we do but I want you to find out who she is" Ethan said

I put a thinking face on and pretended to know who it is

"I know who she is. But! I'm not saying names" I said

"Sure ok" Ethan says while jumping onto the bed that is technically naked because it has no sheets on it

"Where's gray?" Ethan asks

"He's fucking a girl in the other room. Wanna join him?" I said

"First of all what the actual fuck. Second of all hell nah" Ethan said making me laugh

"I'm joking he's in the shower. Wait did you take a shower. Ethan Grant fucking Dolan don't tell me that you went to the date with beach body and sand all over you!" I said while going next to him

"No I took a quick shower in my apartment" Ethan said

"Oh ok" I said

"what time is it?" I asked

"Check your phone it's right there!" Ethan said

"I'm to lazy and your already on your phone" I said

"It's 8:28" Ethan said

I nod and decide to make food for these two ugly ass boys

I make mashed potatoes and fresh pizza all this took me and hour

"DINNER IS READY PUTOS!" I yelled while laughing. I was snap chatting me while saying that and filming them running down the stairs

"FOODD!!!" Ethan said while sitting down

"Oh my gosh it smells so good" Grayson said

I serve them and we eat and them we go on the couch and watch a movie. A scary movie, and let me tell you they hate scary movies. I was laughing the whole time because they would yell or jump

"Oh my gosh!" I said while filming me laugh and filming Grayson go onto me and then Ethan gets a pillow and covers his face

I post it on snapchat and then a few minutes later the movie ended

"Let's take a picture" I said

"Ok" they said in a sync

We take a picture and I post it on my Instagram saying they look chill but we watched a scary movie and they wouldn't stop yelling and I couldn't stop laughing. I love these boys <3

I get likes and comments and Grayson commented saying We were chill... -_- Ethan commented with do not watch her snapchat. I repeat do add her or watch her snapchats!!

I laugh and get comments like i ship Grayson and Meredith or I ship Ethan and Meredith

I smile and read the comments and reply to some of them. I like some pictures and by then it's time to go night night.

"Goodnight guys. Oh and remember I'm in this room if you need me come to my room"I said

"Ok" they said and go into the same room that they are sharing

Ethan's Pov

To be honest I like Meredith... I've liked her for a little but I don't know how to tell her. She probably doesn't feel the same way towards me. Ugh! I should just go to sleep now. I put my charger in the outlet and charge my phone

4:34 am

I can't sleep because of Grayson snoring. I get up and go into Merediths room. I go into the bed and cuddle with her. She soon cuddles onto me and whispers goodnight

I fell asleep thinking about my future.

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