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Merediths Pov

I woke up with Ethan around me and I honestly will miss having him next to me when he gets a girlfriend

"Morning E" I said looking down so he can't smell my breath

He hums in response and I huff. I get up from the position we were in and Ethan groans. I smile and go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and comb my hair I go back and didn't see Ethan. I go near the stairs and look around

"Ethan? Gray?" I yell

No answer

"BOOO" I hear from behind me I turn around and stumble backwards causing me to go down the stairs

I moan in pain and start to feel pain in my arm

"Ow" I said while crying

"Meredith are you ok? Did your arm break?" Grayson asked as he got me up and picked me bridal style to the car

"Y-yea" I said

Than gets into the car wheel Grayson is in the back wiping my tears away. Soon my arm starts to turn purple blue and black

"That's disgusting" I said while crying and giggling

"Does it hurt bad?" Ethan asked

"Yea.. but it'll be fine I can deal with the pain" I said

He nods and goes to the hospital

When we got there it was sorta empty?

"She broke her arm" Grayson said I'm on the floor now walking it was just for that little drive since I couldn't move my arm

"Ok someone will be right with you" she says

I groan and she gives me a death glare. I roll my eyes and sit on the chair

"Meredith Monroe?" I hear someone calling my name (Not my actual last name btw)

We get up and follow the lady into a room with a doctor

"Hello Ms.Monroe! What happened here?" Doctor Philips said

"I fell down the stairs" I said

"May I ask how?" Dr.Philips said

I looked at Ethan and Grayson "I was playing around and I slipped on my sock and fell down the stairs" I said

"Well let's do some x-rays and then get you a cast" he says while getting his papers

"Ok can Ethan and Grayson come with me?" I asked

"They can stay here while we get the x-rays done" Dr.Philips said

I nod "I'll be back soon guys" I said while smiling and go out the room to get the x-rays

We do the x-rays and go back into the room. We show the twins how my arm is broken and then it's time to get my cast

"What color would you like?" He asks while showing me the colors

"Blue!" I said excitedly and putting my hand down which hurt like hell

I moan in pain and he lets out a chuckle

"Remember your arm" Dr.Philips says

I nod and he gets the color sky blue and firsts put a white cast then the hard cast. We were all set and we paid and now it was time to go to get food

"I'm hungry as fuck" I said while getting in the back seat

"Wanna go to chick-fil-a?" Ethan suggested I nodded and Grayson did to we went to chick fil a and found some fans

"Hey Ethan! Hey Grayson!!" They said. They look at me and rolled there eyes

"I'm going to get the food I'll be right back" I said while awkwardly going to the register

I ordered and sat down with the number on the table and soon the twins came back and we saw the girls sit at a table near us

"Those bitches gave me the dirtiest look" I said while rolling my eyes at them

They laugh "They don't like you because they think that your dating Ethan stupid" Grayson said

"Does it look like it?" I said

"You post pictures of me and Ethan but Ethan's kissing your cheek or hugging you and I'm just hugging you so..." Grayson said

They gave us the food and we ate and the girls keep on staring so me being a brat stuck up the middle finger on accident and Ethan and Grayson saw and Ethan who was in front of me got up and sat next to me

"Stop doing that Meredith" Ethan said as his lips were tight above my ear

"It was on accident ok!?" I said while putting my hands up in defense

"Whatever you say" Ethan said

"Guys maybe we should do a party for my birthday at like 8 or something after you guys give me my little surprise!" I said

"Sure! We can invite all our friends and since our friends are 21 we can get beer for them"Ethan said

"True. Let's set up for the party. As in let's my cups and shit" Grayson said making me laugh

We got up and put our trash in the trash can and we left to get the supplies

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