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Andreas Pov

It's peaceful being dead... I walked my dog, saw my grandma, it hurts to see my friends crying it hurts really bad and I don't want them to and when I came across Meredith she was happy and sad. She couldn't believe what she was seeing

I went downstairs and I saw myself my body and I touched my face and i felt like I was touching my own face which is true

I see them sleeping peacefully but Grayson seems really broken he really loved me....

"I love you gray" I said

Grayson's Pov

"I love you Grayson"

I know that voice! I turn on the light and I see nothing

"I'm right here baby go to sleep" Andrea said as she sat on the bed

"Can you sleep with me?" I said and she laced down and cuddled onto me like we used to before

"Don't leave me" I said

"I won't leave you" Andrea said as she kissed me

I felt her warmth and I couldn't believe it but I fell asleep peacefully

Merediths Pov

I woke up by someone ringing a doorbell

I put on Ethan's shirt and go to the door and see a box

I look around and see no one not even the man who gives me my packages

I go to the kitchen and open the box I couldn't believe my eyes

"ETHAN GRAYSON!!!" I yell in terror

I see a knife with dry blood on it

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Grayson and Ethan yell and back

I pick it up and see a note attached to it

"She was an easy one" I read aloud

"We calling the motha tucking police" I said as I dialed 911

"We have something that I would like you to see" I said to the phone

"I'll be right over" the police officer said as he hung up

A few minutes later he arrived and when he saw it he put it in a bag and went off

"I saw her" Grayson said while tearing up

"I saw her and she cuddled with me and I slept with her and I woke up not feeling her warmth" Grayson said as he came up to me and hugged me I hugged him back and i knew that it was real

"I wanna go on tour" Ethan said

"I do to bup" I said as I slightly smiled.

It was time again to be with Andrea and we had hot chocolate and bread and we socialized

"How are you doing?" Asked Jc

"I'm doing alright just miss her so much" I said while giving him a little smile

"I miss Andrea too... Me and her had a good friendship" Jc said and I nod remembering her telling me that she met this guy and he was so nice and I smile remembering how excited she was

"I just wanna get her back" I said

"I do to Meredith but we can't and I just... when they told me I don't know rather to cry or laugh because I thought it was a joke" Jc said

"It was hard for me to believe to even though it happened in front of my face" I said

"How did it happen?" Jc asked

"Someone sliced her side and they were doing CPR and when the doctor said sorry I ran towards her and just lost it and cried and yelled and told her to come back" I said while tears slipped

"It's ok" Jc said as he hugged me and I hugged him back

"I just didn't want her to die like that" I said while I grabbed his hand

"Come with me..." I said as I took him to my room

"I really wanna tell you something but you promise to believe me?" I said

"I promise" Jc said

"I saw Andrea when I was in the bathroom washing my teeth and she came up to me and hugged me and I felt her warmth and the hugs she used to give me" I said

"I believe you"'Jc said

"I saw her too... Just for five seconds" Jc said

I hugged him and we soon went back downstairs and again it was time to leave

"Bye have a great night" I said

I go upstairs and see Ethan and Grayson passed out on my bed

Damn it's only 12:38 am

"They are so lazy aren't they"

I look beside me and see Andrea with her arms folded over her chest just like mine

"Yes" I said

"They look so cute and peaceful" Andrea said

"Yea I just wish you were real and not playing in my mind" I said

"I'm real I'm what's making you happy" Andrea said while putting her hand on my shoulder

"Please hug me like you used to do when something was wrong" I said while crying

"Awe baby don't cry" Andrea said as she hugged me I hugged her back and Ethan woke up

"You ok Meredith?" Ethan said getting up and hugging me

"I'm fine I just miss her" I said

"Don't cry" Andrea whispered in my ear

"I won't" I said

"Who are you talking to?" Ethan asked

"You don't see her?" I said

"He can't see me because he doesn't want to he'll get really sad maybe even get into depression... Don't talk about me right now" Andrea said as she walked out the room

"Sorry I need to clam down" I said while smiling

Ethan picked me up and put on me on the bed

"Sleep princess" Ethan said

"Goodnight Ethan" I said

"Goodnight" Ethan said as he cuddled onto me

I fell asleep hearing Grayson's little snores I always wonder why he sleeps with his hand or hands in his pants I do that to sometimes and I don't even know I'm doing it....

"Goodnight Meredith" i hear Andrea said

I hummed in response

Two hours later

It's two in the morning and I can't sleep...

"I wanna love you and treat you right" Andrea sang as she sat in the chair

I soon fell asleep again as she sang... Andrea sings so beautiful anyone can fall asleep to her voice

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