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Merediths Pov

I woke up happy since today was Christmas and I could invite over one person. My mom and dad are here in the dolans house so I have to sleep with Ethan which is no problem because I've always slept with the twins if we had a sleep over or something

I decided to text Angel since I wanted to invite him

Hey angel wanna meet my family since today's Christmas? It's ok if you don't

Sure Mer. What time?

Like at 7 or 8... You don't have to bring a present btw

How did you know I'll bring one!?!

I bet he was smiling while writing this. I laugh

I know you! I have to go ttyl baby!

I turn off my phone and go downstairs and see that my mom is downstairs helping Lisa set up breakfast and I smile seeing my mom laugh at Lisa's jokes. I smile wondering if I could be like that when the twins have wife's

I look at the twins, Sean, and my dad and see them seeing a football game

Sean was explaining to my dad how football is since you know... He's Mexican and he only knows about soccer...

I see the twins all happy and shit snap chatting the game... I decided to take a shower since today was Christmas and I shower one day yes one day no or if you like to every other day :)

I get cute clothes and I go to the bathroom, close the door and put the water to the right temperature. After I scroll to see what music I want and I put it on and then strip off my clothes and go into the water. I sing and do my business. I shave my legs and then I get out.

I dry myself, after I put on my undergarments and then a Christmas sweater and sweatpants. I brush my teeth and put on some skin care products. I then brush my hair, grab my phone and go downstairs

I see that everyone's eating breakfast and I sit down in the middle of my mom and dad and start to eat. Mmmmm, eggs, bacon, and sausage. (EGGS BACON GRITZ SAUSAGE!)

"So who are you bringing to the Christmas party hun" Lisa said

"I'm bringing this boy named Angel that I met a while back..." I said my cheeks turning pink because the twins, my dad, Sean, my mom, and Lisa stared at me

"He's really polite and nice what's all that staring about!?!" I asked as a smile creeps onto my face

"It's just that you haven't had a relationship in a long time... actually ever since-" I cut my dad off

"Don't say his name" I said as I finished eating my sausage. I got up and put the dish in the sink and went to Grayson's room and out the window

I climbed all the way to the top and looked at all the snow on the houses and I smile at how beautiful it is.

"Aren't you cold?"

"I'm used to this kinda... I love the cold you know that" I said as I saw the twins sit next to me with there jackets

"Here" Grayson said giving me a sweatshirt that was all warm

I looked around and I pretend to slip down

"Guys..." I said as I started to slip down

"Meredith hold on to my hand!!" Ethan said and I tried to grab his hand and I failed

Down and fall onto snow and then I see the twins look over the edge and see me laughing

"Oh my god I can't-" I said as I laughed at there faces

I stand up and go inside and see the twins going down the stairs

"Not cool Mer" they said as they walked to the living room

I roll my eyes and go into my room

I decide to text Angel

Wyd babe

I'm at home chilling wanna come over for a little then go home and get ready?

Sure let me ask

"Mom!" I said as I ran down the stairs and to my mom who was in the living room with everyone

"Que?!" She said as she looked at me (what?!)

"Can I go to my friends house and then come back for the reunion???" I said

"Ok just be back at 3!" She said as I already ran up the stairs and to my room and put on a crop top, a flannel, ripped pants, and some shoes. I then put on a sweatshirt on top so i won't be that cold.

I take my phone and put a piece of gum in my mouth and go downstairs and see everyone laughing and having a fun time

"BYE!" I yell and go to the twins car and drive off to his place

I put on let it go and sang to it... #noregrets I love Elsa and Anna ok...

As I got to his house I knocked on the door. I see Angel and I kiss his cheek and hug him

"Hey babygirl" Angel said

"Hey angel" I said

He grabs my waist and kisses me. I kiss back and it turns out heated

Angel picks me up and takes me to the bedroom and he locks the door

He continues to kiss me and then he started to kiss down my body. I grabbed his hair and I took off my sweatshirt and now I take control...

I flip us around so I'm straddling him and I take off my flannel and then take off his shirt and trace my finger down to his underwear line and then kiss his jaw down all the way to his underwear

I take off his pants and I take off my pants

"I'm the dominant one here baby girl" angel said as he flipped us over

He takes off my shirt and leaves me only in my underwear. Well not anymore he took them off

I take off his underwear and he puts on a condom

I never knew that he was that big... I mean I haven't had sex with him I only might of sent nudes and he might of sent some back...

He thrusts into me and I moan. It doesn't hurt it feels good

He goes harder and they soon start to slow down and I moan and he kisses me as I tug on his hair.  He soon pulls out and he throws the condom in the trash can and cuddles onto me

"I want to ask you something later on on our date... It's pretty important" Angel said

"Alright I'm going to take a quick nap wake me up at 2 it's 12 so in about two hours or so" I said as I cuddle onto him and he cuddles onto me

Hey guys!!! So I know it was really bad smut but... I don't really care about what you say so... I'm sorry for being salty lol


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