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Merediths Pov

I woke up by someone shaking me. I groan as I rub my eyes and slowly open my eyes I see that it's Meredith

"What do you want?" I said as I kept my hands on my eyes so I won't see that girl

"I'm here alone and I don't want to just barge in through all your stuff" She said

I get up and put my glasses on and get my phone

We talk as we eat and laugh.

She isn't as bad as I thought

"So would you rather be able to eat on food for the rest of your life or one drink the rest of your life?" I said as I ate my toast

"Hmm... I would drink only one drink the rest of my life" Meredith said

I nod and then the twins come inside

"Hey guys!" I said a si hugged them

Meredith moves me and hugs and kisses Ethan and smirks

I roll my eyes and just hug Grayson

I follow them and we sit on the couch

"So let's play never have I ever" I said

"Can you guys stop fucking making out?!?" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Is there a problem with me and my boyfriend making out!?" Meredith said

"Yes because he's my friend and I can talk to him to! Why are you so fucking jealous of me hugging him!?!" I said

"Well he's mine and I'm not jealous!" She said

She rolled her eyes at me

"So that one more time I dare you" I said

Grayson holds my hand to calm me down but I put it into a fist

"Can you not be fucking jealous!?!" Meredith said

"Shh" I said

"Stop" she said

"Shhh" I said through all her words

"Do it one more time" she said

Me being the bin I am I did it again and she came at me and pulled my hair

I pulled her hair and she punched me. I punched back and then everything went blurry

I feel someone pull me back and I hear screaming

I get up and immediately go to my room. I lock it and go to the bathroom

Everything was going in slow motion

I cleaned my lip and put on a bandaid and put bandaids all over my knuckles

Fucking bitch

I texted Angel since I was bored

I got into a fight...

With who? How?

She was getting on fucking last nerves and she went at me first..

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