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Merediths Pov

It was just a dream? We haven't gone on tour? We haven't had sex? He's not my boyfriend? He's not my husband?!

"Ethan I had a dream" I said

"What was it about" Ethan said looking at me as he moved a box to the moving truck

"It was about us and the future I think" I said

"Oh well it sucks because it looked like you had a good dream" Ethan said

"How long was I out?" I asked

"About five hours" Grayson said

"I hope that the last part of the dream was real" I said

"What was it?" Thy ask

"It was me getting married to someone that I truly love" I said

They smile

Narrators Pov

Meredith technically re lived the dream and it made her fall with Ethan more and more

They got married at the end and Meredith was so happy that at the party she looked at him and smiled

"What?" Ethan said kissing her

"Remember when I told you about the dream? That I got married to the person that I truly love?" Meredith said

"Mmmmm yes" Ethan said

"Well that was you baby" Meredith said

Merediths Pov

I smile as I dance with the love of my life

For our honeymoon we are going to go to the Bahamas

"I love you" I said eating a piece of cake

"I love you too" Ethan said

Narrators Pov

Meredith got pregnant and had a baby boy with black hair and hazel eyes he looks just like Ethan

They went on living a good life having three more kids

They lived so happy and so loved

As for Grayson and lily they soon got married and had twins a girl and a boy

Blonde hair and hazel eyes for he girl. For the boy it was black hair and hazel eyes

They moved next to each other and had a happy life

I'm blessed for having this kid in my life

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