• Chapter 19 •

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: I Like You :

Sasha's POV

After we finished eating, I gathered all of the trash

"Woah woah. Who said you were gonna clean?" He said smirking

"Uh. Me?" I said in more of a question than a statement

He chuckled "I'm gonna be cleaning and don't even argue because you know I'm still not gonna let you"

"Fine" I said and sat down on the sofa. I continued watching the program on the telly while Niall was cleaning up

I saw him come into the room and sit on the opposite side of the couch

I feel Niall looking at me and I turn to face him. He has a worried face on his look as if he knows something is wrong

"Are you alright?" He asks me

"Yeah" I say and plaster a fake smile on my face

To be honest, I'm not fine. While Niall was sleeping, I went on Twitter and somehow the fans knew me and my account


Stay away from my husband you bitch

Why would Niall like that ugly bitch?! He has a wonderful girlfriend

What a slut!


Fat bitch. You should really lose some pounds

She's worthless, why would Niall like her? She probably shagged him

Niall just pities her. She's just a charity case

Those comments that supposed 'fans' tweeted hurt me a lot. I'm a directioner but I never sent any hate tweet to any of the boys' girlfriends or friends. Never

I always thought 'Why would I send hate when I don't even know them?'. But I guess not all people think like that

I held back my tears and continued watching the program


It was now 9 at night and Niall was still here

"Niall, I think you should go. The boys are probably looking for you. You've been gone the whole day" I said

"Getting rid of me, ey?" He said teasingly

"No, of course not but this is only because I need alone time too you know" I said smiling my fake smile

He nodded and I escorted him to the door

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