• Chapter 26 •

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: Affection :

What should their ship name be?? I'm stuck on Shiall or Nasha.

Anywaay, enjooy! Don't forget to vote and comment!


Niall's POV

Sasha's breathing soon turned steady as I watched the angel beside me fall asleep

I still couldn't get the question she asked. What's gotten you so affectionate lately?

The question kept running through my mind

Why did I kept on being so affectionate lately?

It's because you like her

No I don't! Plus I just broke it off with Tori

Tori never liked you. She liked what came with you. Sasha likes who you really are

I shook my head of any trail of my thoughts and I decided to stand up. I turned off the tv and grabbed a blanket from the other couch and placed it on Sasha

She snuggled further into the blanket and I gave her a feather light kiss on the forehead like she did to me

I walked out of the living room and it was just as my phone vibrated

I fished out my phone from my pocket and saw that it was a text from Liam

From: Leeyum

Ni? Where are you?

I replied back quickly

To: Leeyum

I'm at Sasha's. Why?

A few minutes later he replied

From: Leeyum

Nothing. I was just wondering

I put my phone back into my pocket and decided to go back to the flat to change my clothes

I was still wearing my black jeans and white shirt and it wasn't the most comfortable to say the least

I got down to the flat and into my room. Harry just came out of his room and he saw me

"Hey mate, where were you?" Harry asked

"I was at Sasha's. I was actually going back. I'm just gonna change my clothes" I said going towards my room

"Why were you at Sasha's?" He asks

"She's been getting nightmares" I admit

He just nodded and I opened the door to my room. I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a black tee

I went out and to the front door but before I opened the door, I heard someone


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