• Chapter 51 •

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: Jealousy :

Sasha's POV

It was now dark outside since we spent the rest of the day talking about anything.

I decided not to disturb Niall since I'm prettu sure he'll tell me when he's ready but he was almost back to his carefree mood while we were chatting with everyone but when I leaned in to hug Mark to bid him goodbye, Niall went back to his emotionless self. Mark leaned in and whispered in my ear "It's cute too how he's jealous of you" which made me blush immensely. I looked back to Niall to see him so void of emotion which was so unlike him.

Niall and I went up to our rooms bidding goodnight to Zoe and Alfie. Niall flopped on the bed not saying a single word to me and I was aggravated to be honest

"Niall, what is wrong with you?" I say to him quite annoyed. He didn't answer me though which annoyed me even further

"I'm talking to you!" I almost yell but kept it down since the guys were still downstairs working on their laptops

"I don't know. Why don't you ask your new 'friend'? " He says as he lifts his head up from the mattress. He purposefully exaggerated the word friend and I stand there in shock as I understood why he was like this

"All this for you being jealous?" I ask him with disbelief

"You were flirting with him! Hell, he made you blush. You even called him attractive!" Woah. Hold it up buddy.

"It's called being friendly, Niall. You should really know the difference between the two" I say and turn to the bathroom but before I entered, I heard him say something

"God, why do I even put up with you?" He murmurs and I turn to him. He looks up and sees my face which made his eyes widen as I think that he never meant for me to hear it which made everything worse. It just made me snap and all the flashbacks come back to me. Of all the scoldings I got from my parents because of school. From teachers who yell at me all the time for doing one thing wrong. From my old friends who I've disconnected because they were too toxic for me

I was so close to letting the tears fall but I kept them there and spoke to him, "Then leave if you don't want to put up with me. I don't need someone who sees of me as a burden" I say and letting one tear fall which led to the others to fall aswell. He had so much regret and sadness in his eyes but I threw that to shit because what he said hurt. A lot.

"I didn't me-" he starts but I cut him off

"BULLSHIT!" I yell and he flinches.

"Let's just e-end this right here, right now. Walk out of my life and forget me and forget everything that ever ha-happened between us and find another person to love. Someone who isn't a burden to you and I'll do the same." I say with tears falling and my voice cracking a few times.

"Because you know what Niall? I've been in this kind of a situation too many times. Where I've felt so unloved and unwanted but I pretended like everything was fine. I can do it, Niall. I can handle that but saying things like that when you willingly chose to be with me?" I laugh and wipe my tears but it was useless anyway "I don't even know if you willingly chose to be with me or if you just wanted some fun. There! You had fun. Then just leave me like I'm dust." I say bitterly with a chuckle.

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