• Chapter 34 •

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Sasha's POV

We sit on my bed talking about everything. It was now 10 at night. We already had dinner which consisted of Filipino take-out

"So, do you have any love interests?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"No. Not really" she says laying back. Her head at the foot of my bed. I lay down beside her and we spread out on my queen sized bed which the boys bought for me

I think it's excessive for my room but they never took 'no' for an answer even of how much I protested. Stubborn boys

"I'm telling you. Liam is perfect for you" I say to her and she just blushes

"You and Niall are perfect though" she says "I wish I could have a relationship like that" she sighs

"Don't worry you will." I say placing a hnad on her shoulder, comforting her.

The doorbell rang and I sat up confused. Who would be ringing at 10 in the evening?

"Stay here, Rhyign" I say standing up amd walking out to the front door

I look at the peephole and see a guy in a tux holding a bouquet of flowers

I opne the door and the guy smiles at me

"Order for Ms. Fernandez?" He asks

"That's me. Uhm, may I ask? Who is this from?" I ask the guy

"This is a delivery from Mr. Horan" he says. My heart starts racing and butterflies erupt in my stomach

"Oh" thats all I manage to let out. I was shocked but happy. Overjoyed actually. I felt loved and wanted and I loved it

He hands me the bouquet of pink and red peonies "Have a nice night, Ms. Fernandez" he says with a bow and walking to the lift

I smile at the thought of Niall giving these to me. I close the door behind me and walk into the kitchen

I see a little note perched amongst the bouquet. I grabbed it and saw that my name was written on the front with Niall's messy handwriting

I open the letter and read

Hey baby!

I thought that you should get a little present before tomorrow and I remembered how you loved peonies so I got those for you. I am sure that you would look amazing in the dress that you picked. I can't wait to see you in it! Even though you look amazing in sweats too. Hope you liked the flowers! There will surely be more tomorrow

Niall xx

I smile at the handwritten letter given to me. I place it on the counter and place the flowers in a vase.

I put the vase on the dining table. I see Rhyign leaning against the beam on the stairs, smiling at me

"That was from Niall, wasn't it?" She asks

"Yeah" I say with a smile

"Gosh! You are guys are so cute" she squeals. Jumping up and down while clapping

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