Chapter 5- Real?

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I shut my locker door and turned around, and found myself face to face with Daniel.

What's he doing here?? 

And.. HOLY crap, there's less than two feet distance between us...

I held my breathe as he leaned in and compressed the space between us. I could count the eyelashes on his eyelid. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my waist. I placed my hands in his hair and was just closing my eyes when he was yanked off my body.

I looked up and realized that it was Andrew who had interrupted our almost kiss. I looked up to see the angry faces of both boys, just as the fire alarm went off..

I opened my eyes and turned off the alarm. It was seven fifteen, just forty five minutes before school. I lay in bed for about ten whole minutes, taken back because of the dream.

Why the bloody hell did Andrew have to interrupt? I couldn't help but get a little annoyed.

I found myself wondering what would really happen if my dream was in reality. Would Andrew really interrupt? I wonder if he'd protest if a guy tried to kiss me infront of him.

Still deep in thoughts, I drove to school. All day long, I could think about nothing else but the dream. After lunch I headed to my locker to get my math books. Just as I opened the locker, Daniel walked over to me.

He was wearing faded blue jeans and a sea blue polo shirt. His hair was tousled in a cute way. He instantly flashed his dimply smile at me.

"Hey "

"Oh hi" I said as friendly and casually as possible.

" I was wondering if you're free this Saturday ?"


I've had a crush on him for years now, and is he really asking me out or am I hallucinating??

I felt like my heart was in my throat as my body got all heated up, it was like I had a high fever.

" yeah I am" I answered in a shaky voice, trying my best not to sound nervous.

" um, wanna go to Starbucks with me maybe?.."

He asked and flashed me his signature smile. Again. Causing me to say yes.

Then the bell rang for the next class and he had to go.

My head was above the clouds as I headed to class. I was too excited to watch where I was going and ended bumping into someone.

Unfortunately, the "someone" I bumped into turned out to be Andrew!

"Hey Riles." He said with a wink.

"Hey Andrew, what's up?"

"Listen, I'm throwing this party at my place on this week Saturday night. Do you think you can make it?"

Without thinking twice, I told him that I can.

"I'll look forward too seeing you! Bye catch you later!"

I could believe my luck. I'm going on a date with Daniel and going to Andrew's party. I was just settling on cloud nine when I realized that both dates were on this Saturday !!!

And I said yes to both of them... so I certainly can't say no to either of them.

But HOW on earth am I supposed to be in two places at the same time?
And that might be cheating.. kinda..


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