Chapter 1 - New guy

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" Hurry up and warm down, girls. " called my basketball coach, Jack.
I wiped the sweat  on my face and joined my teammates to warm down. Tired from all the practice, we headed towards the locker rooms to change and get going.

I was snapped to attention  and awoken from my daydreams when my bestfriend,  Emma  Rickson came over.

" Hey there Riles, guess who I met today ? " Emma said in that gossip girl tone.

" Who? " 

" Jeez, Jennings. Don't pretend you don't know. It was your Romeooo. " There goes the drama queen.

" He asked whether you still like him."
She paused for a second and continued. " I told him that you do. He just gave me his signature smirk and went to where ever it is that he was going."

My heart gave a small leap when I heard this. Man this boy knows how to get me all excited. Seriously, he could smile at someone else, and just by seeing his smile I'd be all set for the whole day.

"Oh, ok." I replied as casually as I could. Wouldn't wanna get the drama queen tooo excited. 

"Aren't you excited ?" Emma wanted to know.

" You know what Emma? I'm done waiting. I'm gonna search for a new guy." 

" Good luck with that, buddy. You're in for a hard time if you wanna do that. " She replied sarcastically.

With that, she went out of the changing room, smirking.

I thought about what she said and found my self going down the memory lane three years back. I remembered how I first noticed Danielle, the guy I've been chasing for ages now.

***flash back***

" Hey Riles, catch." Shouted my classmate, Sierra.

I wasn't really paying attention, so  it flew out of my grip and went to the other end of the field. I looked back to check were it went.

 Oh shit it's hit a person.. 

Embarrassed , I went to get the ball and apologize.

I took the ball from him and apologized.

He replied with a smile and said it was okay. Since then, I couldn't get him and his smile out of my head.


Stupid, huh? But that's how it happened. That's how I fell for him. I've had this huge crush on him for nearly three years now.

But for all I know, he isn't interested in  me in that way. And I think it's about time I try someone else. Still deep in thoughts, I went for the door.

I was too busy thinking about trying a new guy to realize that I was walking into a person. Without knowing where I was going, I walked straight into a person.

I instantly snapped out of my thoughts and picked up the things I just dropped. Then I turned to the person I bumped into, to apologize.

I looked up at him, one glance was all it took. My heart started thumping and my hands got cold. My cheeks really started to give it away.

I appologized and offered to help him pick up his things off the floor.

" It's alright, not a big deal." He said with a smile.


For the rest of the day, I found myself thinking about him. I couldn't help it.

Oh darn  you finally found your new guy. Teased the inner me.

I lectured myself for thinking about guys ( one guy in common ) just because of one incident. You bump into people everyday. Do you think about them all day? No. That is plain lame. I told myself.

That's when I suddenly remembered. I had a high school party to attend to. All day, I had been thinking about unnecessary things and I forgot the one thing I have to remember.

I looked at my watch,  and realized I had a little more than an hour until the party.

I dashed to my room to start getting ready. I was out of the house and at the party just in forty minutes.

As I entered, I noticed that the crowd was big. Even though it was a party only for seniors, there still was a lot of people. If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that most of the time, I don't like huge crowds. I didn't want to stand there looking like an idiot, so I tried to find my circle of friends as soon as possible.

I was just walking into the party scanning the crowd, when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around casually, assuming it was probably Emma.

I was really surprised, not because it was not Emma, but because it was the new guy.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at him. Goodness. What on earth is happening to me?

" Hi." I said, trying my best not to show that I was nervous.

" Oh hey. I think I have something of yours that I need to return." With that, he held up an earring. My earring to be frank. That was the earring I was wearing before I went to basketball practice. It must have fallen out of my bag when I bumped into him outside the locker room.

" Oh thankyou .. "

" Andrew "

"Thankyou Andrew. "

" And what's your name?" The thousand butterflies in my stomach took flight when I heard this question.

" Riley " I mumbled.

"Cute. " he said with a smirk.

Blushing bright red, I thanked him and walked off. Yeah, it's lame, but I don't think I can stand his smile anymore..

I told you he is the new guy. Smirked my inner me.

And this time, I didn't even bother to disagree.


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