Chapter 8 / Game Over

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Real feelings doesn't just "go away".

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"It's Emma."

What? As in my best friend Emma? Adam likes EMMA??

"I've liked her for almost a year now." I could see the redness appear on his cheeks as he spoke.

"Emma as in my best friend Emma, right?" I wanted to confirm.

"Yeah, that's the one."

I could see he wanted to break the tension in the air. "So wanna make a deal maybe? I'll get you Andrew and you get me Emma. How's that?"

"Deal." I said with a laugh.

Then we both burst out laughing. We were still not done laughing when the closet door suddenly opened. We both got out, happy to finally be out.

I was still smiling when I went and took my place in the circle. I couldn't help but notice the look on Andrew's face. He was staring at me and Adam in a not so regular way.

Relax, it's probably nothing. The inner Riley rolled her eyes.

That night, the party was a hit. Me and my girls became good friends with Andrew and the boys. We even exchanged phone numbers .

And that's how me and Adam Kasser became friends.


After that day, me and Adam became really good friends. We hung out a lot. I got to know him. And turns out he is a really fun guy.

Every morning Adam would wait by the school gates until I got there, so we could go to home room together. He dropped me off to class too. When the lunch bell rings he comes near my class so we can walk to the cafeteria together. Then we go and sit at together at a table with all of our friends.

I know all that sounds so romantic, but trust me, it's nothing. We are just two very good friends who are crazy about each other's best friends.

As for me and Andrew, we talked on instagram everyday. But lately he's been kinda busy since our basketball tournament is coming up. I guess that's why Daniel is so distant.

The basketball tournament  was in a week. Our school had high hopes for us this year. We had so much practices that we didn't have time for literally anything else.

A week after the party, me and Andrew were texting each other. He asked me to come watch his match. I agreed and everything was going well.

Then out of the blue, he started being cold to me.

A: hey why are you telling people to tell tales to me? Even if you try to hide things, I know all the fucking shit that's going on.

I was so surprised and I didn't even know what to say. I just sat there staring at my phone for like five whole minutes.

R: uhm, what exactly are you talking about?

A: bitch please. You despo, still trying to play innocent huh? You think I don't know about you and Adam? I have a girlfriend, I'm not interested in you.

I started panicking. Tears started to slowly roll down my face.

R: what happened? Why are you angry all of a sudden?

Despite the situation, I tried my best to be nice.

A: I'm gonna block you. Game over, Riley.

And just like that, he blocked me from all the social media. I know I'm still young and it's just a crush. But I felt like my whole world just collapsed. Like nothing mattered anymore. I couldn't help but ask myself, what went wrong? Was it something I did? Is it something I said?

I know it's pathetic and lame, but I sat there on my bed and silently cried and went through all the conversations I had with him in my head. I didn't even text my friends about it. I was too shocked to say anything.

Just then I remembered I had a very important match. I looked at the time and realized  I had only thirty minutes to get ready. As I got ready, I thought about what he said to me. What did he mean by "you and Adam" ? Did Adam say something to him that made him think we are together or something? Now I'm little pissed at Adam too.

When I went down to the court for the match, I realized all the teams of our school were there.  Including Adam and Andrew's team and Daniels, even though Daniel had already left. As soon as Andrew saw me, he gave me an icy look and turned around. My heart sank, but of course I couldn't show any of it, not even to Emma. It might effect our match.

It was Adam who came over and said hi. I tried to say hi back just as casually, but I guess it must have shown, because he asked what was wrong. Obviously I told him nothing was wrong and that I'm fine. But he didn't buy it. He was all but you don't look fine. Luckily I was saved by our coach who signaled us to get on the court.

All through out the match, I was too distracted to concentrate. Too many questions were going through in my head. I couldn't think about anything except Andrew. Unfortunately, we lost the match, and our team was out of the tournament.

Basketball was something I really loved. It's something I work so hard for. I don't even know how to explain the feeling that over took me when the referee blew the final whistle. The whole Andrew thing and now this..

I felt like nothing is going to go well. I felt so bad. I didn't even say goodbye to my teammates or wait for my mom to pick me up. I just walked home. I knew Emma would text me, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone, so I turned off my phone and went to bed.

I couldn't even sleep. I felt so queesy, in a bad way. So I layed there for hours. My pillow was soaked by the hot tears streaming down my face. After a while, I finally fell asleep.


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