Never knock

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And I think too much

But I don't feel enough

With the gun to my head

And I might confess

That it's you I love

/Never knock - Kevin Garrett/

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

I got up from the bed, taking one of his shirts and throwing it at him.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you on a date."

Elenas POV

"Now this is something.." Jack looked around, trying to find the right words: "different."

"I figured since last time we spent time alone was quite extreme and challenging, this time should be more relaxing," I pulled my hair into a ponytail since I knew it would get messed up quite quickly.

He nodded approvingly: "I didn't know you liked this kind of stuff."

"Let's be honest for a second," I said, winking at him and putting on my helmet, "you don't really know anything about the person I am now."

"So.." he changed the topic staring at the vehicle between his legs, "you actually think quad racing is relaxing not extreme now?"

Instead of replying, I raced off, spending a second or two in air after the first little hill. This is relaxing. It makes you focus on every little thing around you in the moment, instead of what is going on outside the track. Only this moment exists.

I went as fast as I could, leaving dust behind me. I could sense him catching up to me, so instead of staying on the track I made a sharp left turn and disappeared in the forest. I could tell he was catching up to me, but since he was unfamiliar with this place, he didn't go as fast anymore. Soon the green of the forest was swapped with beachy sand. He had a great chance to catch up to me now, since there was only a straight forward clear road. And so he did. Even with his huge helmet and glasses on, I could tell he was smiling beneath.

After half an hour riding on the beach, we stopped near my spot - a huge rock, that I was pretty sure only I knew how to climb, therefore I just didn't think I should climb it and leave Jack behind. So instead we sat on an old big branch of tree that had forever been on the beach. 

I kept silent, playing with the sand, picking it up and letting it slide out through my fingers. He was watching me, studying me and it was hard to ignore it.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"You," he smirked as I looked at him. 

"What about me?"

He wasn't smirking anymore: "the old you."

I inhaled deeply, knowing this would eventually come up. Was I even ready to hear it?

"Can you tell me?" I asked, as he stared at me confused, "about the old me?"

He nodded, immediately starting his monologue: "you used to be shy, almost afraid yet brave about everything. Mostly you allowed your fear to control you but when you got the offer because of which you moved, you kind of tried to prove yourself you are stronger than letting fear take over. To me you were always the most beautiful even thought you were quite insecure. You've always had the voice of an angel and you've always been like an angel yourself. So nice, gentle, beautiful, vulnerable.."

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