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     "This fucking house is so boring. What the hell am I supposed to do around here.? Hmm.. My leg's looking a little bare, I need some more cuts.."
     I walk into the bathroom and pretend to shower so my mom doesn't come up here, grab the broken glass from my drawer, and slowly slide it against my ankle. I immediately see the blood start to flow out of my wound, and begin to feel relaxed. I cut a few more lines before I hear my phone go off. I quickly rinse my legs and turn off the water and run over to my phone. Someone texted me on Facebook.? Haha. I'm such a loser, why would anybody text me.? Oh, it's that Michael kid. Wtf.? I don't even know him, why would he bother texting me.? Probably another fuck boy. He's wayy too good looking to want an actual relationship with me.
     "Hey" the text reads. Typical f-boy line. But whatever. He's cute.
     "Hey" I text back. I hope I don't fuck up and say something wrong. I suck at these kind of things. Anxiety is a real fucking trip lmao. Annd he's writing back. Oh shit.
     "Sorry if I come off as weird.. I know you don't know me, but maybe that could change? :)" Really Michael.? Ugh I don't think I trust you, but I don't trust anybody. Maybe I'm just over thinking this...
"Oh no, you're fine! And yes, maybe it could ;)" Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with me.?? Hormones man, jeez.
     "Haha okay. So tell me about yourself; anything that you're comfortable telling me. I know we just met, but you seem like a really nice person." What the hell do I say.??? I'm so fucking shy, Wtf Ellie.?
     "Well, what would you like to know.?"
     "Everything😍".... Well, we're off to such a beautiful start aren't we.?

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