The girl is mine.. Right?

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*Ellie's pov*
So many thoughts running through my mind right now.. What do I do? Should I push him away? Should I hold him and bring him closer? What? I just continue to sit there, wide eyed. He's still slowly kissing me, but notices that I'm not doing anything and stops. I'm lost. I don't know what to say.. I just keep looking at him, mouth and eyes wide open, but I quickly shut myself. He starts to turn as red as my sweater and looks away.
     "I'm sorry Ellie, I don't know what got into me. I just felt like I had to do it..." I still can't do anything but just stare in disbelief. Did I... The kiss, it felt.. Different.? Did I feel that 'spark' that everyone talks about.? Well, there's only one way to find out.. I push all my fears and anxieties about love aside and decide to take a leap of faith. I get down from the giraffe I was sitting on, and step up to the elephant that Michael is on. With the elephant going up and down as the ride still goes, Michael's height, and me being only 4'11, it makes my next move all the more difficult. I step onto the foot bar on the elephant's side, and push myself up so I'm facing Michael. I make sure I'm balanced, grab his face, and lock our lips together. I feel him slowly wrap his arms around me and pull me onto the elephant with him. I smile and he kisses me even more passionately.  He slipped his tongue into my mouth in between kisses. We wrestled for dominance, but he eventually overcame me. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had.. I didn't want it to ever end, but we eventually pulled away from each other when we heard someone yelling. I look over, and there's an angry mom covering her son's eyes. How fucking dramatic.
     "Can you guys go and do that somewhere else, and not taint my little boy's eyes? Like get a room. Nasty teenagers these days. Ugh." Typical white mom lol. I look back at Michael and smile. He's perfect not nasty. I hug him and jump down from the elephant and grab my flowers, and start to run around the carousel. Time for fun.😁
*Michael's pov*
     "Where are you going?" I yell to Ellie after she takes off running and laughing. Is she trying to play games? I'll show her what fun is. I jump off my animal, and take off after her. We're gonna get in so much trouble running around on a carnival ride, but I just had to give in to her antics. She's just that adorable. After us running around in that circle about three times, the ride is finally over. It's only been ten minutes? I see that drama mama talking to the ride operator, telling on us I'm guessing, when Ellie comes around and starts to get off. Oh no. I run over and stop her. "That lady is snitching on us. We have to get off another way." I explain to her, and we sneak over to the back of the ride. I jump off first, and help Ellie get off. We grab each others hands, and run off over to the roller coaster. I don't think I was ready to leave that carousel behind. It's almost like I lost my heart back there, but Ellie picked it up. Now I have a piece of my life attached to it, after everything that happened.. But I doubt I'll ever see it again..
     "Umm.. Where are we going?" Ellie asks.
     " To the roller coaster, silly." I respond to her. Where did she think we were going?
     "Haha you're funny. We are not going there."
     "Why not babygirl.?" I bet I can persuade her.
     "Nice try babe, but I'm afraid of heights, sooo..." We stop about 50 feet from the roller coaster when I feel her tugging on my sweater. There's tears in her eyes..
     "I can't do it michael , please don't make me!..." I see a tear fall slowly down her face. Wow she's really terrified of it..
     "Baby baby, it's okay. I won't make you go on it. Okay?" I pull her into a hug until her fear fades away. I can feel her smile into my chest.
     "You're so skinny babe." She laughs.
     "Haha very funny. You're not so big yourself missy." I start tickling her and she falls to the ground. Her laugh... It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard... I wish I could hea.. I'm pulled out of my thoughts because Ellie pulls me onto the ground and gets her revenge.
     "Ellie. Ellie. I can't breathe!" I manage to say in between laughs.
     "Hmm.. Maybe you should have thought about that when you attacked me. I almost peed my pants you asshole." She's still laughing omg. She's the cutest, but I'm gonna get dirty, and my mom's gonna get pissed.
"Baby.. My mom's gonna get mad if I get dirty." She finally gets off and checks me.
     "Nah baby its not that bad, just some grass." She wipes it off, and we sit on the ground staring at each other again. She scoots closer to me, and we finish what we started on the carousel. Not many people are around this time, so it lasts longer. After about a minute and a half, it goes a little bit further.. She gets on top of me, wrapping her legs around my waist, and I had my arms around hers. I was getting turned on, and I knew she could feel it 'cause she held me tighter. She pulled away and looked into my eyes with the most lustful look. I bite my lip as I look down at her. I want her so bad, but its too soon.. We start kissing again and she moves down to my neck. I feel a pain where she must be biting, and I push her away.
     "My family would notice, and I'll end up with different kinds of bruises.."
     "Oh.." She looks down..
     "I'm sorry baby girl.." 
     "Could we go on some more rides before the show starts?"
     "Yes baby of course."
We get up and start walking to find out which one to go on next. Ellie wants to go on the gravity, but I say the ferris wheel. We go with the gravity first. We could hold hands at least.. This better be as good as she says it is.🙃❤🎡

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