Enjoy yourself.

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*Michael's pov*
She must've said something terrible, Ellie won't even look at me the same way. I try to hold her hand, but she doesn't keep her grip and just kind of has it sit there. When I look at her she just looks down. It's either my mom or me..
     "Ellie what's wrong? Did I do something? Is it something my mom said?" She just keeps walking and looks down again.
     "You didn't do anything wrong, I just don't want to mess everything up."
     "What do you mean?"
     "Like, your mom told me that if Joseph found out, he would flip. I don't want to ruin your life, it's bad enough as it is. But it's also me. Some of the things she said to me... It made so much sense that it scared me."
     "What did she say?" We stopped walking, and I stood in front of her. What the hell does my mom think she's doing, what did she fucking say to her?
     "She told me that she knew about me and you before today, and that it was obvious that you're in love. That Joseph should have known, but wasn't smart enough to catch on. She could tell that I'm in love too, but that can't be because I thought I was afraid of love. She says I'm just afraid of getting hurt again, which makes more sense because I have so much love for everything.. I don't know, I'm just confused.. But then Joseph.. What if he finds out.? What if he does catch on? Then what? He'll probably cut you from the band, or worse... I know how much you love performing. Plus, you guys are so far up there. You're practically famous Michael! I don't want to mess that all up.."
     "Ellie what the hell are you talking about? Don't you realize how important you are to me? Much more important than some record deal. Yeah being famous and doing what I love is great, but loving someone and having them love you back is a much better feeling. So what about Joseph? We're about to be 17, that's one more year of it and I'll be gone. It can't be that bad especially when I have you. I feel, like, when I have you, I can do anything. Even if Joseph cuts me from the band, I'll still be famous and can go solo. I was planning on going solo anyway. You're not gonna ruin anything, I promise. Now, how did my mom find out about me and you dating?"
     "She found your notebook when she was cleaning. Plus the way you've been acting gave it away." Shit. I thought I had it put away. I feel my face turning red and I look away.
     " But don't feel so bad. We still have tonight.. Let's just enjoy ourselves and push the worries aside until we have to worry, please.? I love you." That really helped. God she's so amazing.
     "I love you too."
I grab her hand and we intertwine fingers as we finish our walk over to the ferris wheel.

The show is about to start, and I haven't been this anxious since my first performance. Ellie is out there in the audience and I'm guessing that's why. I don't want to mess this up for her. I need this to be perfect.
We start the show out with 'The Love You Save' to get the crowd on its feet then move to 'I'll Be There'. Ellie loves that song, so I look and wink at her. She smiles so wide and hides her face, which causes me to smile of course. We end the song, and my mom comes onto the stage which she usually never does..
     "Ellie can you come up here?" Oh no... Why is she doing this..
Ellie walks up onto the stage with the most confused, scared look on her face.
     "Sing something, girl." My mother says to her. Why is she doing this?? Ellie grabs the microphone from my mother and faces the crowd. She stands still at first, looks back at me, and starts singing 'Who's Loving You', and completely stuns everybody. I had no fucking idea she could sing..  But still, why is mother doing this? Then I see why.. Joseph comes out and stands at the far right of the stage. He nods his head in approval, and walks over to my mom. They start whispering to each other, and let Ellie finish the song. When she finished, Joseph grabs a microphone and says "You're exactly what we're looking for! Would you like to join us?"
What. The. Fuck? I look over to my mom as she walks towards me.
     "This may seem cliché and confusing, but trust me. I know what I'm doing." She says into my ear.
     "Why? This is gonna ruin everything between me and her."
     "No it won't. Joseph will not find out. I know about how you guys are long distance, and I'm trying to keep you guys together. Joseph had been looking for a female singer anyway, you know this. This is the greatest opportunity for you and the band. When we were talking, I asked if she could sing, and she really could. I had to recommend her." Shes right. I hope this goes well. It seems like Ellie still hasn't given an answer yet, but she's thinking hard about it. Please say yes... I would be the happiest person in the world if I could be with my baby girl 24/7. All the things we could do together.. Life would be perfect.
The crowd starts going insane, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I see Ellie hugging Joseph. She said yes...

*I know this chapter might not make the most sense, or might seem stupid, but I'm kinda disabled at the moment, so bear with me 😂. I have a very bad cold, so nothing really makes sense, but I tried.❤

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