Why so shy?..

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*Michael's point of view*
She actually took my hand.. Oh my gosh... Does she feel the same way? I sure hope so.. Oh God I'm sweating... Fuck I'm messing up already.. Damnit dammit dammit Michael, calm down man.. Ugh but she looks so beautiful.. Her almost white jeans fit her perfectly, and the red sweater she's wearing is like a crop top and shows a little bit of her belly. Her skin looks and feels so soft.. Then her hair omg!.. She wore it curly just like she promised. It's so amazing how great she looks like that. Yeah, when it's straight it looks just as great; but when she wears it naturally, and sends me her selfies, I go INSANE. She's so beautiful.. I hope she knows that.
"So which ride are we going on first.?" She asks.
"The carousel" I respond. It seems like the most romantic ride here. Then I can give her the flowers and tell her how I truly feel. If it goes well, I might even end up with a kiss...
"Michael!" She yells, pulling me out of my thoughts. What did I do? Oh no.. "We almost walked right into the mud smart one! I didn't want to mess up our clothes. You look so nice." She was right, we were standing at the edge of a mud puddle. She complimented me.. "You look so nice" kept playing in my mind. I look over at her, staring into her deep brown eyes, feeling the tension rise between us. It seemed like we were gazing at each other forever, but she turned her head looking forward to the carousel and said we should keep going. Did she feel that too? Was she maybe scared or shy, and that's why she quickly looked away? I hope it wasn't me..

*Ellie's point of view*
Oh god I can't believe what just happened.. We almost kissed, at least I think so... We were just walking and he almost stepped in the mud until I stopped him. I couldn't let that happen. He looks so good, I wouldn't want his clothes to get ruined.. And then when I stopped him, he just looks over at me and stares, almost looking into my soul.. I couldn't help but stare back, into his big brown eyes. There was something there that almost wanted me to see it. Like I was somehow seeing myself in him.? Isn't that love.? Nah, you can't feel love at 16.. Can you.?? Oh, but the tension that was building between us... Oh no. I'm not going through this again, feeling like it's love and getting burned in the end. Too many heartbreaks. Nope, can't let this happen. But something is telling me that I should...
"We should keep going." I said to Michael after that nerve wracking stare down. I couldn't say I didn't like it and didn't get butterflies though... We'll see what happens I guess.. We continue to walk over to the carousel, still holding hands by the way, and get on. There's of course more kids than people our age. In fact, I think we're the oldest people on here.. Why would he choose the carousel.? Here I go over thinking again. Just let whatever happens happen. I climb onto the giraffe, one of my favourite animals, and Michael climbs onto the llama beside me. He grabs my hand again, and looks into my eyes just as the ride starts.
"Ellie.. There's something I have to tell you.." Oh no.. See I fucking knew this was gonna happen. He fucking loves someone else. I should have fucking known I wasn't gonna be good enough. I look down, I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, and I didn't want to make it any worse than it already was. But I guess it was too late, he saw my disappointment..
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Why is he so concerned.? Now I'm getting angry. The tears are just flowing at this point. Oh god.. There's no way to control me now..
"NO I'M NOT OKAY. I CAME ALL THIS WAY TO MEET A FUCKING BOY THAT I THOUGHT HAD ALL THESE FELLINGS FOR ME, AND I WAS ACTUALLY STARTING TO COME OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE AFTER BEING SCARED OF LOVE FOR SO LONG ONLY FOR HIM TO TELL ME THAT HE HAS FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE ELSE?!! ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING. ME?? This is why I don't do relationships." The tears continue to flow down my face, thank God for water proof makeup. I just look down.. He gives me this look of pure confusion and hurt. What the hell is going on.?? Then I see him pull flowers out of his jacket.. Now I'm confused...
"Ellie... These are for you.. I was just gonna tell you how I felt.. May I?.." Oh my god... What the hell is wrong with me??? I cry even harder and take the flowers. Daisies. He remembered my favourite flower.. I nod and he continues. "Ever since I saw your picture that day on Facebook, I knew I just had to talk to you. You looked so beautiful, I think that's one of my favourite pictures of you honestly."

"You were smiling and showing your beautiful teeth

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"You were smiling and showing your beautiful teeth. You just looked so happy, and it made me happy just looking at it. You had your red hair back then, but even with your purple hair now, I still see you as the most beautiful girl in the world. Even with your braces, even with your slim figure, even your nose, your lips, all things you hate about yourself. I find every inch of you beautiful. And I've found myself falling hard for you. I was hoping you feel the same way, and it seems like you do, or you wouldn't have yelled at me." He laughs, which causes me to smile. I guess I do feel the same way.. "So will you be mine, Ellie?" Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend?? Omg... Say yes you idiot. What's stopping you.??"

And then we were kissing.

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