Chapter Twelve.

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Valerie giggled when she noticed Chance making faces at her while everyone held their own conversation. It was a sight to see when he made those annoying but cute faces. It's only cute because he acts like a little kid, she reminded herself. She had an amazing boyfriend, and there was no way she was going to start liking another guy, especially one that Daniel knows. That would just be low of her. Suddenly, every student in the classroom immediately fell silent. Valerie looked up and saw the supposedly new guidance counselor, Mrs. Franks. What was she even doing in English Literature class?

"Good afternoon students!" She greeted, a bitter smile on her lips. That was one of the most evil look she's ever seen. Mrs. Franks definitely did not look like a good guidance counselor. She looked like one of those tough jail wardens. "As you might know, I am your new guidance counselor and your teacher's aide for English."

Everybody stayed silent as she continued explaining why she happened to be there. "Your usual teacher isn't here today because he called in sick, so I'm going to substitute for him until he gets better. He gave me this agenda that says you all have to pair up to do this project. Your teacher had strictly told me that I will be the one to decide the partners."

She grabbed a list from the desk and kept her bitter smile as she looked over the list one more time before calling out the names. Valerie crossed her fingers in hope that she would be paired with Brycen or Chance. "Scott Portman and Carolyn Agner... Brycen Xandiers and Tiffany Kance... Kelly Starks and Tristan Vice..."

Valerie hoped that she would be paired with Brycen since she knows him better, but she just hoped even more that she wasn't paired with a snob/idiot.

"Valerie Reeds and Chance Martins," Mrs. Franks lastly called out, catching both Valerie's and Chance's attention. "That's everyone! The project that you have to do is dealing with performance. You and your partner will pick a famous play and you will perform it after you turn in a rough draft and a final draft of the script. This will take about a month and if you need any help, care to ask me. Now for the rest of the class period, pair up with your partners any place in this school range."

Everyone ran out of the class, causing them to get fussed out by the substitute. Valerie gathered her books and grabbed the information sheet that the substitute was passing out to the students. She walked out the door, looking around for her partner. Suddenly, a hand grabbed with a strong, yet gentle, grip around her forearm. Her eyes met the dark grey-blue of Chance Martins. "C'mon, Val. I know a great place to go."

"Where exactly?" Valerie questioned as they walked down the Science Hall to go outside.

"The football field," Chance grinned, opening the doors to the exit. "I always go here when I have free time."

Valerie nodded sitting down on the lowest metal bleachers. She bit her lip as she started skimming through the information sheet. "So, apparently we can do any play that is appropriate. Have any ideas?"

"Romeo and Juliet!" He answered rather quickly, looking down afterwards. "'s easy, you know?"

Valerie nodded, agreeing as she wrote the title down on the sheet. She looked up, cocking her head to the side. Chance was staring off at the football field with a small frown on his face. It made her notice that his expression was a mixture of sadness, annoyance, and anger. "You miss football, don't you?"

Chance nodded, snapping out of his small trance. This seemed to be happening a lot every time he saw a football field. "Yeah, a lot actually. Football and baseball are like my life, and then I got suspended from playing for 'horse playing' with other players. I got real pissed off after that."

"What did you do to get suspended?" She asked curiously. This was the first time that Chance Martins had actually been bad enough to get suspended from his favorite sport, and she wanted to know why.

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