Remember That I Love You

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Lithium - Evanescence

Stiles drove up to an abandoned house.  Scott and Stiles walked out of the car. There was a swing set to my right, giving this place a more eerie feeling. With my lips pursed, I existed the jeep and stood in between Scott and Stiles.

"That's not creepy at all." Stiles said, looking back at Scott and I. Scott stared up at the house. Stiles took out three flashlights and handed it over to us. With a sigh, I followed the two inside.

"I hate this already." I grumbled as Scott opened the front door. We turned on our flashlights and entered the house. There was no sign of anyone living inside the house. It was empty and dusty.  As we stepped into, what seemed to be the living room, Scott flashed the light towards another room that held a table with dishes set on it. They were covered in dust and webs. Scott turned toward us.

"You wanna split up?" Scott asked.

"Sur-" Stiles cut me off, cupping his hand over my mouth. I looked at his hand and then at him.

"Uh, absolutely not." Stiles said. I huffed, shoving his hand off of my mouth. He sent me a sheepish smile. Scott rolled his eyes and headed towards the stairs, Stiles and I in tow. We walked up the web covered stairs to the second floor. Scott stopped and looked inside one of the opened rooms. It was empty.

"Maybe Alex go the address wrong." Scott stated, walking past the room.

"Or he lied." Stiles countered, looking around the hallway. I looked into another room to find it empty.

"Why would he lie?" Scott whispered. We passed another empty room.

"Why is that door closed and the others weren't?" I asked, point my light at the closed door in front of us. Stiles flashed his light toward to door and looked at Scott. He walked towards the door. I stood behind him, anxiously wetting my lips. Stiles hesitantly placed his hand on the door knob before he turned it. He pushed open the door to show a bedroom with  furniture, and decorations. To top it off, it was free of webs and dust. 

"He didn't lie." My boyfriend said as he stepped into the room. Scott and I followed after him.

"Why didn't the cops say anything about this?" Scott questioned.

"They don't know it's here." Stiles replied, facing us.

"But they searched the house...right?" I asked, looking around the room.

"They can't come here without a warrant, and there's no owner of record to serve a warrant to. So unless there's some kind of threat or imminent danger, they wouldn't come in." Stiles explained. Scott stiffened. "What?"

"I think I heard something." Scott said. He went out the door, following the sound. I followed after him, not noticing that Stiles wasn't behind me. We walked down the stairs and headed towards the table that held the dishes. I sighed, what in the world is going on in this house? Scott tilted his head.

"What? Did you hear something?" I asked.

"I thought I-" Scott trailed off as he stared at the table. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed his gaze. The dishes disappeared, leaving behind dust free circles from where they were.

"They just disappeared. How is that possible?" I questioned.

"I don't know." Scott answered, walking towards the kitchen. He stopped, facing me with wide eyes before he jogged towards the entrance. I followed behind him. My hand was only centimeters away from my charm. We almost ran into Mason and Liam, who gasped in surprise.

"Styx!" I shrieked placing a hand on my heart.

"What, what are you doing here?" Liam stuttered out.

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