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Let It Be - Beatles

"You're not mad at us, right?" Malia asked me as the both of us walked down the sidewalk to meet up with Lydia near her locker.

"For the hundredth time, Malia I am not mad at you guys." I huffed.

"Okay. Okay, that's good." Malia nodded.

"Anymore." I finished, a small smile tugging at the end of my lips. Malia stopped and turned to face me with a scowl. I grinned, patting her shoulder only for the werecoyote to growl at me.

"That's not cool." Malia grumbled, walking past me. I chuckled and went to go follow her when something caught my eye. Tilting my head, I clutched the straps of my backpack. Malia turned to face me. "What?"

"Whose Jeep is that?" I asked. Staring at the baby blue Jeep, an all too familiar ache grew in my chest. Frowning, I started to walk towards it.

"Whoa! Nuh uh." Malia grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. I yelped, almost stumbling to the floor.

"Uh, why not?" I regained my balance.

"Class is about to start."

"And?" I perked an eyebrow. "We've skipped plenty of classes before."

"Yeah, but I want to graduate. I can't keep skipping classes." Malia explained. She grabbed my arm and started to drag me away from the school parking lot.

"But-hey! I can still skip. Let me skip." I tried to walk towards the jeep. Malia rolled her eyes and tightened her grip on me. I groaned, trying to yank my arm away. "Malia! C'mon."

"Lydia and Scott will grill me if they knew I allowed you to skip." Malia pushed opened the school doors, tugging me inside. I frowned and looked back at the Jeep. The doors closed, cutting off my view of the vehicle.

"Why are you holding her like that?" Lydia walked up towards us with a perked eyebrow.

"She won't let me see the Jeep." I whined.


"She wants to skip." Malia informed Lydia.

"For a Jeep? Really Nevah?" Lydia placed a hand on her hip.

"Okay, for one, it's very pretty and I like it. Two, it looks familiar and I want to know why." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"Stop behaving like a two year old." Lydia chuckled. "C'mon, we've got to go to class."

"Okay, bye." I waved, spinning on my heels. I went to go towards the front doors only to be yanked back. I groaned.

"Nope! We're walking you to class first. We know you too well." Lydia stated, grabbing the back of my bag.

"I can easily get out of this and run away from you two." I pointed out.

"And I can easily catch up to you and drag you to class." Malia crossed her arms. "Now come on. I don't want to be late to class."

"B-but the jeep!" I stuttered out, pointing towards the door.

"Class. Now. Let's go." Lydia started to drag me backwards in the direction of my English class. I sighed, allowing her to drag me away. I can always walk out of class.

"And no walking out of class." Malia wagged a finger at me. My mouth opened in shock. Can she read minds? "I know you all too well."

The two dropped me off in front of my classroom, blocking my way of existing the room. Malia shoved me inside, rolling her eyes. Stumbling in, I caught everyone's attention.

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